Page 96 of Love Me Forever

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"That's me, always the realistic one," Sam said. "A byproduct of being a doctor."

Luke came closer, putting a hand on Sam’s shoulder. “Maybe he just wanted to haze Travis. He didn't really believe it.”

Sam narrowed his eyes as if he was feigning thinking hard. "I will not dignify that question with an answer."

"Brother, it wasn't really a question," Luke said.

"How am I the one being hazed right now? We all have to focus on Bonnie and Travis." Sam looked at me, patting my cheek like you’d do to a toddler.

"Dude, what the hell?" I asked.

"He sometimes has a weird temper. Especially with us brothers. But he’s a great guy, right?" Sam asked.

"Yeah," Luke said. "Last year, when he had some time off from his company, he spent a lot of time with family, making up for his workaholic years. He even flew me and Megan to a client."

"What are you doing?" I asked, completely suspicious.

"They're talking you up," Tate jumped in, lazily taking a swig of his beer.

"Why would you think I need any talking up?"

Sam looked at Bonnie. "Tell me the truth, Bonnie. Does he need it?"

"Maybe," she said playfully.

I trained my eyes on her. "No, I don't."

The corners of her mouth tilted up.

"I want a well-rounded picture of Travis, so just saying, if anyone's got any dirt to dish, I'm all ears. Anyone?" She looked around at my brothers, who were all grinning like someone had told them there was free whiskey for everyone.

Liz and Kendra exchanged a glance. Lexi was barely holding back laughter. Bonnie had opened Pandora's box.

I put my hands on her shoulders. "Don’t believe everything they say."

She shook her head. "No, see, that just confirms it. It means there's a lot of dirt on you."

"Obviously, and I have a feeling you're going to hear all of it. It might scare you away."


"Oh, you'd be surprised," Sam called from behind us. "The thing you have to know about Travis is that you don't need much to convince him to go forward with the most terrible ideas."



"That description couldapply to you, too, brother," Travis retaliated.

I looked from one to the other, unable to hold back a grin. "And Luke instigated everything, right?"

"Exactly," Luke said, looking proud as hell. "That was all me."

"Yes, it was. And it was on me to get them out of all the trouble he got them into—not that I managed most of the time. But it was excellent practice to become a lawyer," Declan chimed in.

"And where were you in the middle of this? And you?" I asked Travis and Tyler as well.

"We played it by ear. Mostly sided with Luke,” Tyler replied.
