Page 62 of Unwrap Him

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It’s Christmas Eve. And I’m officially predictable as fuck.

Because not only am I super excited about it, but I’m also spending the entire day cooking.

I know. No one is surprised.

The thing is, though, this holiday officially means more to me than in it used to. Sure, it’s always been my favorite. Something about the decorations, the lights, the presents, and the sweet goodies…

Even without the snow we used to get back home, we’ve still managed to turn our home into our own little tropical wonderland.

But now, it’s more than just the most fun holiday. It’s also an anniversary.

One year ago today, my adoptive father and I did something we most certainly were not supposed to do. And it changed our lives forever, which is to be expected.

It changed our lives for the better.

I don’t care if other people would see it that way or not. Living down here in St. Barth has allowed us to really be ourselves. To be Jesse and James, partners in love.

I think that is definitely worth celebrating.

I decided to cook the big dinner tonight, so that tomorrow we can just eat leftovers, and spend the day relaxing. Cuddling up on the couch, or maybe out on the deck, watching the ocean.

And of course, fucking each other’s brains out. That’s a given.

Especially with the super sexy surprise gift I have for my man…

The plan is to give James his gift tonight, because I can’t possibly wait until tomorrow. I have actual presents for him tomorrow, but tonight… he’s gonna unwrap me.

While the ham and sides are roasting in oven number one, I stuff the tray of cupcakes into oven number two. Yes, our place has two ovens. It was pretty much a requirement, being I cook that much, certainly enough to put them both to good use.

Not that this little house had two ovens when we bought it, but James had the second one put in after we moved in. He’s also done a bunch of renovations around here on his own, because he’s handy. And I won’t lie, watching him shirtless, hammering and drilling stuff… It pretty much guarantees me on my knees in front of him in the shower once he’s done.

The brown sugar and pineapple glazed ham is baking, fingerling potatoes, carrots and parsnips with it, and a honey balsamic reduction waiting for them as soon as they’re done.

I also made a tropical slaw, as a crisp, citrusy contrast. And for dessert, my famous Mexican hot chocolate cupcakes with horchata buttercream frosting.

I know what you’re thinking… All of this for just the two of you? Why make so much effort?

Well, it’s mainly because I just love to cook. I’ve always done this. Ever since I was about sixteen and decided I loved cooking enough to think up my own recipes, I’ve been creating elaborate meals for James and me to enjoy as a family. Not to mention that we both love to eat, and we’re sort of foodies, too.

It’s fun, and it makes me happy. Cooking is like my own form of therapy.

Although right now, while I’m twirling around the kitchen in nothing but boxers and an apron covering my May All Your Christmases Bea White t-shirt with Bea Arthur and Betty White’s faces on it, I can’t help but focus on James’s words from last night at dinner…

Before those two guys I thought were cool started hitting on us and he freaked out. The memory brings a little smirk to my lips.

Of course, being hit on was sort of flattering, but it’s like I told James last night… Nothing ever would have come of it. Not that I’d ever yuck someone else’s yum. Mad props to any couple who wants to experiment with other people in bed, safely and consensually.

But that’s just not us. The thought of being with anyone other than James makes me feel yucky inside.

That said, his jealousy and possessiveness are all too delicious, and my dick swells at the memory of him, growly and mad, kissing the word mine onto my lips for the world to see.

In a lot of ways, I’m sure between our codependency and his jealousy, we’re a few cards short of a full deck when it comes to a healthy relationship. But then there’s so much about us as a couple that isn’t normal. And I’m totally fine with that.

What we have works for us. As far as I’m concerned, nothing else matters.

What I’m really dwelling on right now is what he said about me running my own restaurant.

I can’t say I haven’t thought about it… Originally, before everything happened last Christmas, my plan was to take a year off after high school and figure out what I wanted to do next. As it seems, that’s exactly what’s happened. Only the year consisted of less soul-searching and researching online courses, and more being bent over and humped silly by my adoptive father.
