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By the time she took her underclothes off, lay back on the bed, and called for Marion, she had worked herself into such a nervous state that her legs trembled when Marion asked her to spread them. She took five deep breaths as Marion had instructed in a low, soothing voice, and just as the shock of what was occurring hit her, it was over.

“All done,” Marion said, sitting up. She smiled at Sorcha. “You are not the proper wife to any man.”

“Thank God!” Sorcha declared, not realizing just how much she had dreaded hearing she may be married.

Marion smirked at her. “Is that relief I hear in your voice because of Cameron’s kiss?”

“Nay!” Sorcha protested, though the memory of his kiss made her stomach flutter. “I barely ken him. But I kinnae deny I feel much better that I did nae play a husband false, nor nae even remember a husband when I remembered Cameron.” She quickly donned her underclothes and faced Marion once more. “Although,” she said, worry suddenly knotting her belly, “this does mean that there is nae a marriage to prevent the king from marrying me to a stranger.”

“Yes,” Marion replied solemnly. “It does mean that. I propose we keep the knowledge of your innocence to ourselves for now. That way the king may not act as soon on his desire to use you for gain if he is unsure who he may be crossing.”

Sorcha’s eyes widened. “Ye’d do that for me?”

Marion walked over to Sorcha and gave her a quick hug. “Yes. That is what friends do for one another, and we are friends,” she stated firmly.

“There are many in yer clan who may nae like that ye have befriended me. In truth, I’d venture to say most in yer clan will nae like it.”

Marion snorted. “I’ve never been one to let others’ opinions sway me, and I will not start now. Besides, most of them will see yer goodness rather quickly.”

“I dunnae ken that it truly matters. I’ll nae be here long, as I’m certain ye heard the king say that I’m to go with Cameron to track Katherine’s murderers. And once we’ve found them, I imagine the king will nae tarry in using me.”

“Well,” Marion said, “we cannot know what will come to pass in your future, but I do know this—not long before Broch brought you in here to me, my husband told me that you will be with us for at least a sennight. And so, for this week, I will do my best to help you feel less alone here.”

A surge of gratefulness filled Sorcha. “I dunnae want ye to anger yer family. I seem to be doing that with Lena plenty.”

“Bah,” Marion said. “Lena is more annoying thunder than deadly lightning. She booms her anger and makes all sorts of ruckus, but she will not strike to hurt unless you try to hurt her or someone she loves.”

“Aye,” Sorcha said. “I recall what ye mentioned about her wishing to protect Cameron as she had been denied being motherly to her brothers. Ye said ye couldn’t tell me more then, but can ye now?”

A sad look crossed Marion’s face, followed by an angry one. “She was taken from the clan as a child by her uncle, who was vindictive and cruel. She thought for many years that her family was dead, because her uncle told her so, and one day he forced her to marry an abusive man named Findlay Campbell. That is Marsaili’s dead brother she spoke of.”

The news of Lena’s troubles made Sorcha feel immediately more understanding of the woman’s unfriendliness.

“Graham, who you have not yet met,” Marion continued, “killed Findlay while defending himself after Findlay came after Graham to try to steal his wife, Isobel, from him.”

Sorcha gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. “That’s awful!”

Marion nodded. “That is not even half of the horrid things the Campbells have done. They are not nice people.”

“How did Marsaili’s other brother die?”

Marion sighed. “This may make the MacLeods sound rather like murdering fiends, but I vow they are nae. Lachlan killed Colin Campbell after the man stole Bridgette, forced her to marry him, and hurt her very badly.”

Sorcha’s stomach tightened at Marion’s words. “It sounds to me like both Lachlan and Graham are men who truly defend the women they love.”

“Aye,” Marion said, a smile tugging at her lips. “All the MacLeod brothers are that way. Well, at least I think they are. Cameron is the only one left who is unmarried, but I believe he has the same capacity to love with his whole heart. I was having my doubts, mind you. He has quite the reputation with the lasses. They shame themselves panting after him with the small hope—hope that he certainly doesn’t give them—that they might be the lass to change him. And he’s always been only too willing to tumble in the hay with anyone who says she understands what he offers is nothing more than just a joining for pleasure.”

Jealousy streaked through Sorcha, which she prayed did not show on her face. “Ye said ye were having yer doubts,” she asked, embarrassed to be prying and likely seeming so eager to learn about Cameron, but she could not help herself.

“Yes, I was doubting…until you came along.”

“Me? But why?” He had kissed her senseless after only knowing her for two days. Maybe he was trying to seduce her. If so, he was going about it in a rather odd way, she thought, though admittedly, she had no experience to rely upon for this conclusion.

Marion held up a fist. “One—” Marion raised a finger “—he kissed you, despite Eolande’s prophecy.”

Sorcha tilted her head in confusion as unease stirred within her. “Who is Eolande? What prophecy?”

“I’ll explain in a moment. First, let me finish my point. Two—” another finger popped up “—he kissed you in spite of promising Iain and Lachlan that he would keep his distance from you.”
