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Cameron did not seem much different from his brothers in that regard. She had seen smiles tug at his lips when she responded boldly to him, and he had listened to her thoughts on things with real attention. Suddenly realizing that taut silence had descended upon the great hall and that everyone was staring at her, she cleared her throat. “I dunnae wish to marry Hugo, but I will willingly submit to the king’s wishes before causing strife for Cameron or any of ye.”

“Let us hope it will nae come to that,” Iain said.

Cameron tugged her close so that the length of her body was pressed against the length of his. “I welcome strife,” he growled, “if it means I’m keeping ye safe.”

His words brought her comfort but also fear. She did not want Cameron to put himself in harm’s way to protect her, and she worried that despite what he had said, he would be putting himself and his family in grave danger. What if he lived to regret it?

Her thoughts were brought abruptly back to the moment as Iain strode to the door of the great hall, opened it, and accompanied a tall man with a long scar down his right cheek and eyes so blue they almost did not seem real, into the room. He had black hair shorn close to his head and dark stubble covering his chin and lower cheeks. “Sorcha, this is Grant Macaulay, a trusted and loyal friend.”

Grant flashed a smile at her and winked, before saying in a low, silken voice, “Cameron and I have a long-standing competition when it comes to wooing away whatever pretty lass the other is currently interested in.”

“Grant!” Bridgette and Marion said as one.

“Our competition is over,” Cameron said, his tone harsh. “And if ye so much as look at Sorcha in a covetous way, I’ll be forced to teach ye a brutal lesson.”

Sorcha rather liked that Cameron was protective of her, and she was not overly concerned that he would actually execute that threat, given he ended his sentence with a smile, even if it did look a bit more like a wolf baring its teeth than a man offering a show of pleasantry.

Grant chuckled as he shook his head. “It seems I will be the last man standing, which suits me fine.”

She didn’t know what that meant, but Cameron seemed to as he nodded. “Likely ye will,” he said, “and I’ve nary a doubt ye’ll fare well in the position.”

Grunts of agreement came from all the men, and then Iain spoke. “Relay the plan that ye told us of earlier, Cameron.”

Sorcha looked to Cameron. She was not surprised he had devised a scheme, since he had told her to trust him. Though worry knotted her stomach, she had vowed to trust him, and that was exactly what she intended to do, unless his plan was too great of a risk for him.

“’Tis quite simple. I intend to seize March’s castle and inhabit it to give the king bargaining power with March. Once I am in the castle, I’ll send a special messenger to the king telling him what I’ve done, and then he may meet with March and negotiate with him. It will appear that the king has either compelled or ordered me to return the castle to March, but the king will only do so if March agrees to withdraw his name and support from the petition. In return, I will ask the king to consider my request that Sorcha nae be forced to marry Hugo.”

“Why do ye care if this woman is forced to marry Hugo?” Lena spat.

Sorcha could not help but glance at Cameron. What would he say? He desired her with the same ravenous hunger with which she desired him, and she knew well he felt the same pull to her that she did to him. Still, they had not spent enough time together for anything deeper to form, even though she could not imagine a future without him in it.

His jaw twitched with suppressed irritation, but he offered his sister a sympathetic smile, as if he somehow understood and forgave her anger. Sorcha knew Lena had endured a terrible past, and perchance everyone gave her greater leeway for her behavior because of it. Cameron squeezed Sorcha’s hand and then said, “Because she is important to me. Just as ye are, Sister.”

Lena’s scowl deepened. “Ye ken what Eolande said. This woman will bring ye trouble.”

“Lena,” Cameron said. His voice was seemingly calm, but Sorcha heard the tension that vibrated in it. “I dunnae need ye to tell me what the seer said. I’m old enough to keep my own counsel, and ye should stop eavesdropping and listening to conversations ye have nae been invited into.”

“Ye’ll forgive me for caring about ye and wishing to keep ye safe! I was denied the opportunity to do so when we were younger, and I see clearly that none of ye need me now,” she growled and stormed from the great hall.

The door slammed and silence fell, broken after a moment when Marion said, “I’ll go talk to her.”

Cameron nodded. “Make sure she understands,” he said, his voice low and full of emotion, “that I’d nae ever forsake her.”

Marion patted Cameron on the arm. “She knows this, Cameron, deep within.”

As Marion departed, Sorcha glanced toward the dais to Bridgette, but instead, Alex MacLean’s face caught her attention. Pain twisted it, and something else… Longing perchance? Sorcha was unsure, and when Alex’s eyes fell on her and he realized she’d been watching him, whatever emotion had been there disappeared, as if extinguished by an iron will.

Iain cleared his throat, then spoke. “Once ye seize the castle, I advise ye go straight to Ross’s home. Leave men to defend the castle and send a messenger to me, as well as to the king. Include in yer message to the king that ye desire for Sorcha nae to marry Hugo. That way, if the king dunnae agree, ye will be far away. That will give ye more time to come up with a new solution, yet ye will still appear as if ye’re obeying.”

“And when he gets to the Earl of Ross’s?” Lachlan asked. “What if the king denies the request? Cameron would be at Ross’s, and the king will expect the lass to be offered in marriage in exchange for Ross yielding to his wishes.”

“I will find another way to compel the Earl of Ross,” Cameron said, his tone unfalteringly confident.

“And if ye dunnae?” Lachlan persisted.

“I will do what I must,” Cameron replied, giving his brother a dark, warning look. Worry spiraled through her at what he had left unsaid. She feared he’d not expanded because he did not want her to hear.

“The question is,” Cameron said, “can I rely upon yer support, Alex and Grant? I need warriors but also yer silence. If it is asking too much, there will nae be anger on my part.”
