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Alex chuckled. “Nay, they waited for ye. Cameron made each of them pledge to guard ye with his life.”

Her lips parted in shock as she looked toward the castle that Cameron was likely now inside.

Alex took a deep breath. “She could nae prevent what happened to her, but she feels she can prevent anything terrible from happening to Cameron. Therefore, her purpose is to be his protector at a time when she otherwise feels she has none. What she came home to is nae at all what she remembered. Be patient, if ye can. She has a good heart.”

Sorcha nodded. She believed Alex’s words, as she had Marion’s, but that did not change the fact that right now Lena hated her, and it was fueling Sorcha’s own doubts about herself and her past. “What if she’s correct about me? What if Cameron indeed needs to be protected from me?”

Alex stared at her for a long moment before answering. “I’d be more concerned if ye had nae ever voiced that worry. Besides,” he added with a sudden faraway look, “ye dunnae strike me as a lass who is hiding demons.”

“And do ye truly believe ye’d be able to tell?” she asked, her worry churning in her belly.

“Oh, aye.”

“How?” she demanded.

“I’ve hidden my own demons long enough that it dunnae take but a breath to recognize another attempting to do the same. And ye,” he said, spearing her with a keen look, “are nae hiding anything, at least nae purposely.”

Alex moved away without looking back as Isobel greeted them, and a flurry of activity to get the guests situated began.

Sorcha awoke the next morning to a knock on the door and Isobel’s voice. Disappointment filled her instantly that the night had come and gone and she had not seen Cameron. He, Graham, Alex, Broch, and Grant had been absent from supper last night, and all Sorcha knew was what Isobel had told her, and that was that the men were in the laird’s solar devising a plot for the attack upon March’s castle. Sorcha had not wanted to question her, as Isobel’s face had a distinctly wary look upon it, making Sorcha think Lena had painted her in an unflattering light.

“Enter,” Sorcha called after she had hurried to dress.

Isobel poked her head into the room. “I wish to beg forgiveness,” she said, looking chagrined.

Sorcha frowned. “Whatever for?”

“Well,” Isobel said on a breath, “I started to judge ye based on things I heard, and my husband told me again in bed last night that I was once judged so, and I did nae find it to my liking. I’m here to see if we can start anew.”

Sorcha nodded, though her thoughts were on why Cameron had not come to see her if talks had broken up last night.

Isobel smiled gently. “Cameron apparently had his men training most the night. He’s relentless that way.”

Sorcha tried not to sigh out her relief. “I suppose he and his men are sleeping now?”

Isobel shook her head. “Oh nay. They got a few hours of sleep, and then they were all up at dawn to ready the castle for any attacks that may come. Cameron is overseeing the chains.”

“The chains?” Sorcha asked.

“Aye, my grandmother devised them. She’s quite brilliant. Ye will meet her today if she’s feeling well. She’s been sickly this last week and in her bed. Anyway, since our castle stands between land and the Minch, the only safe passage to the Isles is to travel by water in front of Brigid. We simply keep chains raised to stop enemy ships from going by, but we like to test them every once in a while by having one of our own ships try to go through.”

“Is that nae dangerous?”

“Aye,” Isobel replied. “But it would be more dangerous to presume they still work properly. The men will be at it all day, and I thought I could show ye around the castle grounds.”

“I’d like that,” Sorcha replied with a smile.

“Perfect. Lena is waiting for us in the great hall,” Isobel added, turning to go out the door.

Sorcha’s stomach twisted. “Does Lena ken ye were asking me to come with ye, as well?”

Isobel slowly faced Sorcha once more. “She dunnae.”

“I dunnae believe she will wish me to be there,” Sorcha said flatly as she stopped to gather her bow and arrows, and secure them.

Isobel chuckled. “Ye dunnae need yer weapon. I’ll keep ye safe from Lena.” She teased.

Sorcha eyed the dainty woman and thought her no match for the stubborn, angry Lena, though Lena was not really her concern. The weapon was simply to make her feel safe. “I dunnae fear Lena but who may hunt me.”
