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Lena had walked up as Cameron was talking and now touched her brother on the arm. “Where is Alex?” she asked. Sorcha saw the unbridled worry on her face.

“He’s staying here with his men and some of ours. He’ll hold the castle in the king’s name until David gives word to return it.”

Lena bit her lip. “Was he unharmed, as well?”

“Aye,” Cameron said.

Lena’s shoulders visibly relaxed, and while Cameron had already turned his attention to speaking with Graham, Sorcha studied Lena for a moment. The woman evidently cared a great deal for Alex, but it seemed she did not want anyone, including Alex, to know. Or it could be that she didn’t want to care but could not seem to help it.

“We have to ride out now,” Cameron announced, squeezing Sorcha close and scrutinizing her. “Did ye sleep?” he asked, concern lacing his tone.

“Nay,” Broch replied, answering for her.

She glared at Broch. She had not intended to tell Cameron that she had been awake all night because she knew he’d worry. At the concern that swept across Cameron’s face, she held up her palm to cease him from speaking. “Dunnae even try to leave me here and ride off. I vow I’ll follow ye.”

She saw the beginning of a smile tug at his lips, which he quickly mastered. He gave a curt nod before leaning toward her and whispering, “Ye need to be tamed.”

His words held a seductive, teasing promise that made her belly clench with longing. “What is next?” she asked, greatly relieved he would not argue against her accompanying him.

He darted his gaze away for a moment, then settled it on her. A strange look flickered in his eyes, almost as if something was bothering him. Was he worried about what was to come? She gripped his hand tightly to offer silent support, to which he gave her a strained smile. “I go simply to do as the king bids,” he replied, his words stilted, as if saying them was somehow almost uncomfortable to him.

He was acting odd, indeed, but she suspected it was because he did not want her to be concerned. She stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his ear. “I have faith in ye.”

“I hope so,” he replied, a grim look skittering across his face.

Cameron was unaccustomed to lying. It did not sit well with him, even though he knew it was to protect Sorcha and to ensure they would have the future together that they wanted. He reminded himself of this again and again during the long, grueling ride to the Falls.

What should have taken three days had been done in one so that they would arrive in time to meet with the king. Sorcha was sleeping the sleep of the dead as they rode through the thickening woods toward the Falls. Up ahead, he saw the king’s banner fluttering in the wind. Cameron’s heart pounded for what was likely to come and the idea of parting with her, even if only temporarily.

He paused and glanced to his left to meet his brother’s gaze. “Are ye ready?” Graham asked.

Cameron nodded, keenly aware of the soft, warm woman sleeping so trustingly in his arms. His wife, and she did not yet even know it. He loved her so much it was a physical ache. He looked to Broch. “Are ye ready for what ye must do?”

Broch gave an easy nod. “I’m always ready to die for ye, Cameron. Feigning to betray ye will be an easy task,” he said, clearly trying to lessen the tension. “I’ll simply recall the times ye angered me.” He grinned, and then his face got very serious. “I will guard Sorcha with my life. I vow no harm will come to her while breath is in my body.”

Cameron nodded, for his throat was too tight with emotion to speak. Signaling his men forward, they entered the pathway of trees and continued until they were almost upon the group, which Cameron could now see contained the king, Hugo, Finn, and the Earl of Ross. Sorcha’s father was notably absent.

Slowing his horse to a near stop once more, Cameron gently woke her. After a minute, she sat up straight, and seconds later, her body stiffened in his arms. “God’s teeth,” she muttered, and he was certain she had seen her brother. “That’s Finn,” she whispered, her tone full of torment. “Cameron—” she turned toward him, fear blanketing her lovely face “—I must tell ye something.”

The urgency in her tone shook his resolve. “Later,” he said, knowing she likely wanted to confess that she had lied to him. “Ye can tell me later. Now, ye must trust me.”

“But Cameron, ye dunnae understand—”

“Cameron and Graham!” the king bellowed, the timing near perfect to what Cameron had imagined in his mind when he had thought this day through. “Bring the lass forward with ye now.” Even though it was all as Cameron had planned, he found himself suddenly loath to do as the king bid.

“It is but temporary,” Graham reminded him in a reassuring tone.

Aye. Temporary.

He signaled to his horse and moved them directly in front of the king. Once there, he quickly dismounted, helped Sorcha down, and they both paid their proper respects to the king while waiting silently for his brother and Broch to do so. Behind him, the collective tension of his men pressed against his back like a wave of heat. All they knew was that no matter what came to pass, they were not to take action without his orders.

Beside him, Sorcha’s tense face was twisted with pain as she stared at her brother, whose dispassionate face made Cameron want to rip out the man’s black heart.

“Sorcha Stewart, come forward,” King David commanded.

It took Cameron a moment to force his fingers to uncurl from hers. He watched her walk forward, head held high, back straight, and her shoulders thrust back. He’d never been so proud in his life, nor so grateful that she was his. She was his wife by God’s law, which the king knew.

The king pressed his lips into a thin white line before he finally spoke. “I’m verra pained to hear that yer father betrayed me so grievously,” the king spat.
