Page 114 of Swear on My Life

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I hug Amanda. “It’s only like four hours away. We can see each other whenever we want. I have the extra room waiting for you.”

Her embrace tightens, her head coming to my shoulder. “I’ll visit as soon as I get a car. I almost have enough saved.” Her partying has slowed down, and she seems to have started taking school more seriously. She says I’m an inspiration.

I’m not. I just had nothing better to do than study.

“Love you.”

She replies, “Love you, Lark.” Pulling away, she crosses her arms over her chest and steps back on the curb. “I’m gonna go. I need to get my mom’s car back to her. Text me when you get settled tonight.”

“I will.”

My dad gets in the truck. I look back at the house, snap one more photo, and then walk around to the other side. Just as I open the door, I hear backfiring. I look in that direction and see a familiar, beat-up Chevy pickup truck coming down the street. It’s been a while since I’ve heard it and even longer since I’ve seen him.

My feelings haven’t changed. When it came to friendship and loyalty, Dane didn’t respect me enough to give me either. Him keeping the brooch was just too much for me to overcome last fall.

But . . .

I don’t know why I bother. I should get in the truck and go. I just can’t. After all the years we’ve known each other, he may have betrayed me, but I don’t have to carry this with me. I’ll give him five minutes, whether he kept it because Mia just wanted it and wanted to hurt me or to hang on to her. Whatever the reason, I hope it keeps him warm at night.

I tuck my fingers into the pockets of my denim shorts, angling to get a look at him when he pulls up in front of the house. Dane takes his sweet time, long enough for me to check with my dad through the open window. “Do you mind waiting?”

“Are you sure you want to?”

This scene has played out in my mind so many times, but I’m blank of comebacks right now.Of course.“I’ll be fine.”

I move to the front of the truck, and he finally gets out and stands in front of his. “Hey,” he says, his eyes darting from my dad to me. I didn’t show up on his doorstep, so I don’t feel I need to start this exchange. “I miss you, Lark.”

“You chose not to have me in your life. Did you not think missing me would be a side effect?”

“I wasn’t thinking clearly back then.”

I nod, getting a good look at him. He’s changed in a good way. Put on a little weight, got some sun. He looks healthier. Being a dad must suit him or being with Mia.

“Hey,” he says as if we didn’t just hit a wall with the last small talk. He shoves his hands in his back pockets as if I won’t notice how nervous he is. I do. I see it in the way the heel of his boot bounces and how he keeps looking away, not able to hold eye contact. “Congratulations on graduating and getting into medical school. Do you think you’ll come—”

“We’re not going to do this, Dane.” Tugging my hands free, I let them hang by my side. I listen as he moves in and out of different topics, trying to land on something that I might be open to exploring.Not going to happen.“I’m not.”

“Do what?” This time his eyes stay steady on me.

“We’re not going to stand here and act like we’re friends anymore. We’re not. You made that clear.”


“No buts,” I say, shifting my weight to the other foot. “We always used to talk about loyalty. Where was yours?”

“I had no choice.”

“You had nogoodchoice,” I snap. “But you had a choice, and you chose wrong.”

“I did.” He shakes his head. “I quit drugs. All of them. I don’t drink much, but that’s been harder to give up.”

“I’m glad. You look healthier. It’s noticeable. It’s good for your family.”

I sigh, my body feeling dragged down just talking to him. “Look, Dane, my dad’s waiting. I need to get going.” I start for the door, ready to end this awkwardness between us.

“I came here to give this to you.”

I turn back, my gaze dropping to his hand. The box fits in his hand. I know what it is, but I wonder if this is a trick. “What is it?”
