Page 92 of Swear on My Life

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“For someone earning her minor in psychology, you sure do treat it like it’s your major.”

“In practicals, I’ve discovered that I’m really good at it. And I enjoy analyzing people. Tonight, you’re the lucky one.”Lucky one . . .I can’t help but think of Harbor.

I fill the glass to the top because no half-full glasses for me tonight. “I don’t know what to do with you.”

“It’s not me you have to worry about. It’s the baby.”

“Oh my God,” I scoff and take large gulps of wine, but then I realize something. “See? I’m drinking, so obviously, I’m not pregnant.”

“In some countries, wine is culturally accept—”

“I’m not pregnant, and I’m moving in with Harbor,” I say, the words rushing out to end this loop of absurdity we’re caught in.And that ended it all right.

She sets her glass on the coffee table and stands. “You’re moving out?”

My throat thickens, making it harder to speak. “I, um,” I say, gulping. “I haven’t found a job, and our lease is up next month.”

“You’re moving out on me?”

Why’d she say it like that? My heart starts thumping, knowing hurting her is not my intention. “Well . . .” I say, starting slowly. “The lease is up—”

“You already said that, Lark.” She comes to the other side of the peninsula. “You and Harbor are that serious?”

The question takes me aback. “Of course, we’re that serious.”

“But it’s your first real relationship?”

“I’ve dated guys, Amanda. You act like I haven’t. Because I didn’t sleep my way through Beacon doesn’t mean I’m naïve.”

She laughs, but no humor is found in her eyes. “Is that what you think I’ve done?”

“No, it’s an example of experiences, a comparison of what the expectation is for one against the other—”

“Stop it! Stop being book smart and shit. I may have slept with a few guys, but at least I didn’t fall for their lies.”


I take an exasperated breath and slowly exhale. “Is this what we’re doing? You’re going to make up stuff about Harbor to put doubts in my head? For what? To keep me living here a few more months?” My arm flies up from my side. “I leave next summer for med school.”

“Ifyou get a scholarship.”

I’m left speechless.

If.If . . .She says it like I’ve forgotten the deal, like I’m suddenly living in la-la land because I’m with Harbor. I swallow the hurt, and reply, “Yes.IfI get a scholarship. Where doyoustand with that? Hoping I don’t so I can live here with you for however many years, or . . .?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Lark. You know I want you to get what you want.”

“That’s an odd way of saying I believe in you.” I clear my throat and rub my lips together in thought. I’m lost on which direction to take this conversation. I decide I can’t leave what she said unaddressed. “By trying to sabotage my relationship with Harbor by inferring he’s being dishonest with me will only push me away from you. I don’t want that. Please.”

She pushes off the countertop and retrieves her phone from the table. Her fingers fly furiously across the screen, and then she tosses it to the couch.

Trying to keep my cool, I ask, “What are you doing?”

She shrugs and shoots her nose into the air. “Dane will be over in a minute.”

“Why? He has nothing to do with this.”

“Because you have Harbor to talk to, and I have Dane.”
