Page 94 of Swear on My Life

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Does it matter?No.None of it does now and won’t get us closer to healing. I need to stop arguing and just move forward. I say, “It’s not off-the-wall.”

Dane backs up in the cramped space. “Wait a minute? You’re movingnow?”

I’d love to share my excitement and my nerves about this huge life move, but I’m thinking this isn’t the time for that. With the sound of his tone, it feels like they’re doubling down on her original take. “I am. I’m moving in with my boyfriend.”

“The mysterious rich kid I never get to meet?”

I reply, “Well, he’s coming over, so you’ll finally get to meet him.” Amanda doesn’t even blink at the news I’m leaving. She’ll probably enjoy the reprieve.

“He better hurry because Mia’s waiting in the truck.” He says, “Come out here.”

I pad into the living room behind Amanda. Dane stands by the door with his hand on the knob and looks at me. “You dropped a bomb on your friend and expect her not to be blown to pieces.” Turning to Amanda, he adds, “The girl is in love. Maybe it will work out, or maybe it won’t, but as friends, you’ll be there for her, just like she’s always there for you.”

She’s quick to say, “But—”

“No buts about it. The rich are all the same.” He looks back at me now. “I hate to say it, but when you can have anything you want, what you have isn’t so interesting. You need to be careful, Lark.” Wrapping his arm around Amanda’s shoulders, he keeps his gaze on me. “But if you aren’t, we’ll be here for you.” Squeezing her, he adds, “Right, Amanda?”

She nods with the smallest of smiles on her face. “Right.”

Okay, they’re pulling on my heartstrings. “This is new for me, too. Please understand that I love him, and this is something I want to do.”

“When I’m the voice of reason, you know we’ve hit the bottom of the barrel,” he says. “If you love him, you should do it. Mia’s going to be pissed if I take much longer, so make up and put the petty shit behind you.”

Amanda looks at me at the same time I look at her. She’s silent, but I can see remorse creeping into her eyes. I reach out and take her hand. “I’m sorry for not talking about this sooner and giving you more of a heads-up.”

“Why did you wait?”

“Honestly, it was fun to dream with him in the beginning, but I needed to work some things out and wanted more time with him to make sure.” That sounds bad and not what I mean at all. “Not that I have doubts about him. I doubted myself to know what was best for me and felt guilty for not renewing the lease with you. I was holding myself back.”

“I get that, Lark. And it was bound to happen sooner or later, but I just thought I would be the one moving out on you.”

Waffling my head, I say, “So did I, but maybe it’s too soon to joke about it.”

“I’m sorry.” She wraps her arms around me. “Can we still have our weekly get-togethers?”

Wrapping my arms around her, I say, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“That’s my girls,” Dane claims, grinning like a proud papa.

I slip on my boots, knowing Harbor will be here soon.

“Actually,” Amanda says, knocking into him as she passes. “We’re not your girls. Your girl is out in the truck waiting for you.”

“Shit, that’s right.”

I grab my jacket and put it on. “Harbor is probably out there as well.” When I reach for my scarf, I notice Dane’s jovial nature vanishes and his eyes level on me.

“Harbor?” he spits.

“My boyfriend. You’ll get to meet him on the way out.”

I grab my phone and wallet, tucking them both into my pocket. With puppy eyes, I ask Amanda, “Do you mind cleaning up this week? I’ll clean up next week, I promise.”

Amanda moves toward the coffee table, and says, “No problem. I think I owe you a few anyway.” She carries the plates into the kitchen. “And for the record, it’s a shock to the system to me to hear the news, but I should have seen it coming. You guys are great together.”

“Harbor Westcott from The Pointe?” Dane’s still standing where we left him, but his entire body vibrates with anger.

Now I’m confused.And worried. I wrap my scarf around my neck, and ask, “You know Harbor?”
