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That must mean he wasn’t able to convince his grandfather to extend the deadline. I’ve seen Cameron negotiate business deals. He’s a master wheeler-dealer. I was sure he’d pull it off.

My mind is whirling as I stare at my shoes and process this new information. Why hadn’t I considered he might be married?

My stomach roils. I need to get out of this building before nausea causes me to lose what little lunch I was able to eat.

When I look up, I see Jackson Carmichael standing near the elevators. He’s talking on his cell phone, but he’s staring right at me.

Great. Fabulous.

Can my afternoon get any worse?

I really can’t face Jackson right now, so I race across the lobby, duck out of the building, and head back in the direction of the subway station.

In all the scenarios I played and replayed in my head, Cameron having a wife wasn’t one of them.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I wonder who he married. Probably Angelique Devore. The thought pierces my heart like a dagger.

I’m almost at the station when a hand clamps onto my arm. Startled, I swing around and…blink. My vision is blurry. I blink again, clearing the tears from my eyes.

Before I can make sense of the fact that Cameron is standing in front of me, his arms wrap around me yanking me tightly to his chest in a bear hug. I try to ignore how good it feels.

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” His voice is muffled as he talks into my hair.

He’s been looking for me? Huh?

He pulls away slightly but doesn’t release his grip. Rather than wearing one of his typical six-thousand-dollar suits, he’s dressed in casual workout clothes.

“Where have you been, Izzy? I went to your apartment and your landlord said you moved.”

“You went to my apartment?” I say dumbly, unable to make sense of what’s happening.

“I went to the address listed in your personnel file.”

“Oh. I moved in with a friend. She lives above the coffee shop. Wait, why were you looking for me?”

“Why? Because you left me. Fucking left. Without a conversation, without even giving me a chance, you took off and disappeared.” A muscle in his jaw ticks, but he doesn’t look angry. Emotional, maybe, but not angry. I’m suddenly reminded of the conversation I had with Aldous about Cameron’s mother leaving him when he was a young boy.

“I left a note,” I say feebly.

“A note. A note telling me we’re from different worlds.” His scolding tone puts me on the defensive and my hands go to my hips.

“We are! Tell me, Cameron, if we hadn’t ended up stranded in a cabin for five days, would you have ever even considered being with a woman like me?”

He looks a little sheepish, and I’m pretty sure I know the answer to that question. I’m wrong.

What he says next knocks me for a loop.

“Do you really still think that the two of us being snowbound in a remote cabin was all happenstance?”

My brows knit together. I’m not sure what he means.

“Come on, Izzy, you’re smarter than that.” He brushes a finger over my cheek. “You think I just happened to get lost on a road I know like the back of my hand? Just happened to end up in a ditch mere walking distance from shelter?”

Well, when he puts it like that… Something else Cam’s grandfather said comes back to me. He called Cam an adrenaline junkie. Said he used to race cars in the amateur motorsports circuit.

“Did you…? You did, didn’t you? Are you saying you faked a spinout and intentionally landed our rental car in a ditch?”
