Page 62 of Bad at Heart

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I can think of one thing that could, but it seems pretty farfetched. Still.

“When will you find a nice girl to settle down with?” I ask him, leaning against the kitchen island, watching him intently. “You’re the only single one in the crew now.”

A weird look flashes across Liam’s face. But it disappears before I get a read on it. He shudders dramatically and rolls his eyes.

“I can’t think of anything worse, Fi. Have you seen how they all fuss over their fucking wives?”

“Sometimes it’s nice to be fussed over,” I laughingly insist. Liam shoots me a pointed look.

“Yeah. You’re gonna fuckingloveit.”

I flip him off with a sigh. “I know that it will be wicked annoying sometimes. I know I’m going to fight with Ronan about it sometimes. But you know what? Ronan’s worth getting frustrated over. Besides, niggling him is fun.”

I grin and waggle my eyebrows at Liam, who mocks a gag.

“You’re right about one thing,” he grins. “Niggling Ronanisfun.”

Snatching up a dishcloth, I throw it at his face. But Liam’s fast and catches it handily before it can wrap itself around his head.

“Be nice to your dad.”

“Yes, Mom,” he replies sarcastically. I roll my eyes back at him, flipping him off.

“In that case, go clean your room. You’re grounded.”

Liam snorts, glaring at me. “You’re not allowed to leave the condo. That meansIcan’t leave the condo. How am I grounded?”

“No TV,” I bite back automatically. “And no late-night hookups.”

“How are you going to enforce that?”

I know exactly which part of my punishment he’s talking about. I smile sweetly at him as I bat my lashes.

“I’ll tell Ronan that I’m getting anxious they haven’t found Grant yet, and I’d feel safer if you stayed here when Ronan got home so that I had two of you looking out for me at night.”

Liam’s eyes widen, his jaw falling slackly open.

“You’re an evil genius,” he gasps, moodily shoving off the barstool. “Fine, I’ll go clean my room.”

He stomps off in the direction of the spare bedroom. I grin triumphantly after him. I wonder if I could get him to clean up the main bathroom while he’s at it. I bet I could.


It’s late when I let myself into the condo. The light is flickering from the telly, but I can see that only Liam is sitting there. He glances over at the sound of the door opening but turns his attention back to the telly when he sees it’s just me. He shifts slightly, tucking his gun away.

Crossing to the fridge, I pull out some leftover Chinese, dropping onto the sofa beside Liam, forking some cold noodles into my mouth as we watch the old school Western he’s got on.

“Is the lass in bed?”

Liam grunts at me, sounding annoyed. “Yes.”

I look over at him, my eyebrows rising.

“Everything okay here today, lad?” I ask sharply. Liam sighs.

“Yes,” he mutters again, sullen this time. Christ, he sounds like he’s fought with a girlfriend.

“Spit it out, lad,” I growl. He glares over at me.
