Page 70 of Bad at Heart

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“At least he asked you,” I tell her drily. “I got told.”

Mellie giggles harder. “Yeah, but Niall made me wait. Forever. You made Ronan wait longer. It serves you right.”

I flip her off and flip Ronan off when I catch him grinning. He heard what Mellie said to me, and I’m pretty sure he agrees with her. Traitor. If I weren’t already here, I totally wouldn’t marry him today. Ah. Who am I kidding? I totally would.


We didn’t have to wait too long to be married. Thank Christ. I think someone took one look at Niall’s eyes and rushed us through.

He might be my best mate, but he’s also extremely handy to have around sometimes. Mellie made reservations at a nice restaurant for lunch, and she and Fiona are giggling and comparing notes on impromptu courthouse weddings.

I nod along to what Niall is saying about their next planned trip to Ireland in May, but in reality, I’m silently reveling that Fiona is now my wife. And she’s giggling. There’s no more beautiful sound in the world.

There was something different about Fiona this morning. Something in the way she carried herself. In the way her eyes look. She looks relaxed, I realize with a start.

The entire time I have known Fiona, she’s been tense. But she’s not tense now. Reaching over, I tangle my fingers with hers, stroking the back of them. Fiona glances around, offering me a small smile as she returns to her conversation with Mellie.

“Ye thinking she’ll finally cave?” I ask Niall under my breath. His eyes dart over to his wife. He’s been pestering her since they married to have a wean with him. Mellie managed to hold him off by vaguely referencing this Ireland trip. Niall smirks across at me.

“Honestly, Lauren and Paddy left last night. I think Mellie was so thankful to have the place to ourselves again that she would have agreed to anything. I should have pushed my luck then,” he chuckles.

I grin back at him. His eyes dance across the table, softening when they wash over his wife before turning to Fiona.

“How about ye?” he teases me in a low voice. “Does Fiona feel like being a mammy?”

“She says she already is one. She grounded Liam last week. Made him clean his room before he could go out drinking.”

Niall snorts so loudly at my admission that people from two tables over glance our way. Mellie and Fiona look over in interest.

“What’s so funny?” Mellie demands, arching an eyebrow. Niall grins at her, turning his attention to Fiona.

“Sure, and ye’ll be glad that Liam’s back home.”

Fiona wrinkles her nose. “He better be coming back to do a last clean. I know he’s left the place looking like a tip again.”

Mellie giggles as they return to their conversation while Niall turns back to me.

“Ye’re right. She’s already a mammy.”

I grin, tightening my hold on Fiona’s hand. She doesn’t glance my way again, but her fingers tighten back.

We head our separate ways when we leave the restaurant. Liam has texted that he’s removed all his things from our condo and cleaned the bedroom and bathroom – like I asked him to.

LIAM: Where are you guys anyway?

RONAN: Got married.

I snort as Liam texts back Niall’s cow rolling its eyes .gif.

LIAM: Congrats. Tell mom I said hi.

“Liam says hi,” I murmur to Fiona. She looks across the SUV at me.

“Tell him to clean his room,”’ she shoots back.

“Already done,” I laugh. Fiona smiles happily. Dropping my phone into the center console, I take Fiona’s hand and drive us back to our condo building.

Fiona giggles when my hands slide up her sides in the elevator, my lips latching onto the back of her neck, where her gorgeous up-do exposes it.
