Page 125 of Forsaken Royals

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“Sorry, the girls decided to play hide and seek. Badly, but they tried. Did you start without me?”

“A little bit, but we didn’t get far.” Flint slid some papers over to me. “We have a lot of good news rolling in.”

We worked through our lengthy list of projects, all of them aimed to improve Rouhaven for everyone, especially kids who had grown up like me. The orphans who had once lived on our grounds were all in loving homes. My main focus for our kingdom was the children, and it was my goal to make sure that no child ever had to go through what I’d been through.

We had infinite resources—why wouldn’t we help as many fae as possible? Being a Royal was a huge responsibility, but I was grateful for it.

Time flew by, and soon it was almost time for dinner. We left, walking back toward our quarters together. The weather was just warming up, a perfect night for dinner on the roof of the palace. We walked slowly. Or rather, they slowed down to meet my pace. The baby was due in six weeks, and I was already tired. At least it was just one this time. We weren’t sure who the father was yet, not that it mattered at the end of the day.

“What are we going to do for the girls’ fourth birthday in two weeks?” I asked.

“Aria said something about riding Da’s back while he’s a dragon,” Jagger said, glancing over at Lex. The girls called Lex Da. Jagger went by Pop, and Flint just went by Dad. “I wonder where she got that idea.”

“She thought of it on her own!” Lex laughed. “She sees one of her dads sprout wings. Of course she’d want to fly around on his back. She’s a little daredevil.”

The three of them bickered about who gave the girls that idea, though their words didn’t hold an ounce of heat in them. I smiled, resting a hand on my stomach and followed them.

We reached our quarters to pick up the girls. Raine had somehow settled them down, all three girls laying on the floor drawing. Any calm they had disappeared the moment they saw their fathers. They rushed towards them, arms out for hugs and their papers in their hands.

“Da, look!” Louisa said to Lex, getting to her feet and rushing towards him with her drawing in hand. “I made this! It’s you and Dad and Pop and Mommy.”

All three of the girls loved making art, especially art of all of us together. This one was more of the same, though I could already see how much Louisa’s art was improving.

“Yeah?” Lex kneeled down, putting his arm around her and looking at her drawing. “I love it.”

“We’ll add it to our collection.” Flint smoothed his hand over Aria’s hair, taming a flyaway. We had a huge box filled with all of their art pieces.

“Watch!” Mara had Jagger’s attention in an open space, trying to show him her cartwheel.

She toppled over, but Jagger caught her, scooping her up and hiking her up onto his shoulders. Mara laughed, holding onto his head.

“We should go eat so we can have more energy for cartwheels,” Jagger said, looking up at Mara as much as he could. “Are you ready to eat?”

“Yes!” she said. The other girls agreed.

“Let’s go, then,” I said, taking Louisa’s and Aria’s little hands and leading them towards the hallway.

The Rouhaven we were building was one I was excited to raise our daughters in. I spent every day with my mates and finally felt like I was making the difference I’d always wanted to.
