Page 33 of Yuletide Hero

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“We’re baking brownies, we loved to do that, that’s why I named the bear Hayley gave me Brownie.” Kinsley pointed to the bear that sat in the seat beside her.

“I love to bake too. My son and I will be baking cookies, gingerbread, and all sorts of goodies on Christmas Eve.”

“I like gingerbread,” Kinsley said, then returned to her picture.

“What else did you and Leah like to do?”

“She would read to me, or sometimes, when we didn't have any books, she would make up stories.”

“That sounds like fun, I love stories.”

“She taught me to ride a bike without training wheels. It was her old bike, and it didn't fit her anymore, so she gave it to me.”

Jessica smiled. “That was nice of her. It sounds like Leah was a great big sister.”

“She was,” Kinsley agreed.

“Do you remember the picture you drew of her at school? The one that your teacher talked to you about? Before you came here.”

Kinsley nodded.

“In that picture your sister was lying on the ground outside your house. Why did you draw Leah like that?”

Not looking up from her drawing, Kinsley said, “Because Leah fell. She died.”

“Do you know where Leah fell from?”

“Uh-huh.” The child nodded.

“Where from?”

“From the roof.”

“What was Leah doing on the roof?”

“She was running away from daddy.”

“How come?”

“Because daddy was hurting her.”

“Did he hurt anyone else in your house?”

“He hurt my mommy all the time.”

“What about you, did your daddy ever hurt you?” Jessica asked.

“Sometimes, but mostly Leah stopped him.”

“How did your daddy hurt Leah the night that she died?”

“He hit her in the face, her nose was bleeding. Leah was scared that he was going to hurt her again, so she climbed out her window. She said she didn't want to let daddy hurt us anymore and that she was going to stop him by telling someone what he was doing.”

“Do you know Leah ended up on the ground?”

Kinsley didn't say anything, but she looked worried.

“What’s wrong, honey?” Jessica asked.
