Page 39 of Yuletide Hero

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“Oh, you’re going to pass on a message all right.” He smiled, but it wasn't a nice smile.

Alarm bells went off in her head.

Something was wrong.

Whoever this man was he wasn't here just to see her sister about something innocent like work.

“Excuse me,” she said, trying to walk around him so she could get up the path and to the front door.

“I don’t think so.” The man grabbed her arm as she tried to pass him.

“Let go of me.” She yanked her arm but couldn’t break it free of his iron grip.

“I bet Hayley would do anything to get her little sister back,” the man said, although it seemed more to himself than to her, and he began to drag her toward a van parked across the street.

This wasn't happening.

This man wasn't going to kidnap her.

Especially not to use in some plot to hurt her sister.

The man was much bigger than her, and despite her best efforts to stop him, he was already dragging her further away from her car and her parents’ house. If he got her into his van, she would never come home alive. She was the daughter of a cop and wanted to be one when she graduated. She knew plenty of statistics, just like she knew that her best chance of getting out of this was to scream at the top of her lungs.

Arianna opened her mouth and screamed.

And screamed.

And screamed.

The sound startled the man trying to abduct her and he momentarily loosened his grip on her.

That was all the advantage she needed.

She yanked as hard as she could and flew backward, falling down and landing on her bottom on the road.

The man leaned down to reclaim his grip on her, but she was still screaming, and the street was starting to fill with people.


She snapped her head sideways at the sound of her mother’s voice and saw both her parents come running out the front door.

Knowing he was beaten, the man ran to the van, jumped in, and tore off down the street.

“Honey? Are you hurt?” Mom asked as she and Dad materialized beside her.

“I’m all right,” she murmured, still struggling to believe what had almost happened.

“Who was that?” her father demanded.

“A man, he thought I was Hayley.”

“Jay Turner,” her mom muttered like this all made sense.

Only to her none of this made any sense at all.

She didn't know who Jay Turner was, she didn't know how he knew her sister or what he wanted with her, and she had no idea why she had very nearly been abducted.

All she knew was that her heart was racing, her pulse pounding, her palms sweating, and her eyes were growing watery. She let her parents wrap their arms around her and lead her inside, but even the warmth of the house and her parents’ embrace couldn’t erase the icy ball of fear that had taken up residence in her stomach. Arianna wasn't sure anything ever could.
