Page 47 of Yuletide Hero

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“I have the Specialist card for the butterflies,” Brian said, taking the tweezers. In one smooth movement, he pinched them together, lowered them into the hole, picked up the butterfly and pulled it out. “Got it.” He grinned.

“I was never any good at this game,” Hayley said. “My hands aren’t steady enough.”

“Here I’ll help you,” he said. “Take another card.”

“It’s supposed to be your turn.”

Brian grinned. “I think we can bend the rules a little. Here you go.” He picked up another card. “It’s the charley horse. Come sit here.” He patted the edge of the couch in front of him. Hayley gave him a funny look but complied. “Take the tweezers.” Once she did, he put his hand over hers. “You want to move confidently. Don’t second-guess yourself. Just one smooth motion, down, grasp the horse, then back up again.” Guiding her hand with his, he did exactly what he’d just said. The piece came out without setting off the buzzer. “We got it.”

“Yeah, we did,” she agreed, her breath hitching.

“See, just nice and smooth.” His own breath hitched as her hair tickled his nose. Her body was right up against his, her back to his chest, her slender neck right by his mouth and it was all he could do not to trail a line of kisses along it.

“What made you change your mind about going into surgery,” Hayley asked. “You would have been so good at it.”

“I guess the cop genes in me were too strong. I didn't just want to be a cop though, and since I was already pre-med, when my uncle and your mom took over the private security firm it seemed like the perfect compromise. I still got to practice medicine, but I also got to help keep people safe.”

“You do so much more than just keep people safe. You volunteer at the women and children’s center our families run and at a free clinic.”

He shrugged even though she couldn’t see him. “Uncle Ryan and your mom pay me well so that I can be available whenever they need me, but that’s not too often, and I don’t just want to sit around and do nothing. Volunteering keeps me busy and I enjoy it, and I've gotten used to having to drop everything to go to work when they need me.”

“Like with me. With this,” Hayley said quietly.

“No, not like this,” he rebuked gently. “You know this is different. That you're different.”

“Right. Because we’re friends.”

“But we’re not just friends are we. You like me, you’ve had a crush on me since you were a little girl.”

“I … uh … I … umm … not a … well you see … it’s really more of a …” she trailed off helplessly, and he couldn’t help but chuckle.

“It’s okay, Hayley. I always knew that you liked me, but back then you were just a kid. Now you’re a smart, strong, courageous, beautiful woman.”

“W-what?” she spluttered.

“The last few days, spending all this time together, I know we’re not just friends, and I'm not just physically attracted to you.” Gently he brushed her hair over her shoulders and pulled it to the side, exposing more of her neck. Brian traced his fingertips along her soft, white skin and felt her shiver beneath his touch. Leaning down he whispered his lips across her neck. “I’m falling for you, Hayley.”

* * * * *

6:04 P.M.

Falling for you.

What exactly did that mean?

Did it mean that he just kind of liked her? Did it mean that he was just feeling sorry for her? Did it mean that he realized that she was hopelessly in love with him and he reciprocated her feelings?

Hayley had no idea.

Abruptly, she jerked off the couch and walked to the wall. “What do you mean you always knew that I liked you?” Before waiting for an answer, she began to stalk up and down the room like a caged animal. “I don’t understand. What does that mean? How could you know? I never said anything. The only people that know are Sophie and my mom, and I know neither of them would say anything. So how could you know? And always, what exactly does that mean? How long have you known? I don’t understand. I don’t—”

“Hayley, stop.” Brian appeared beside her, took hold of her shoulders, and physically prevented her from continuing pacing.

“No,” she said, trying to dislodge herself from his grip. This was too much right now. She couldn’t even deal with what was going on with Jay Turner and her sister and knowing someone wanted to kill her. There was no way she could also deal with trying to figure out what Brian meant and what he felt and whether he was trying to tell her that he wanted them to be a couple because he reciprocated her feelings.

“I knew I shouldn’t have said anything right now.” Brian looked upset. “The timing is all wrong. I was going to wait until this thing with Jay Turner was sorted out, but the more I'm around you …” he trailed off.

“What?” she asked. She needed to hear him say it.
