Page 58 of Yuletide Hero

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Before she even realized it, tears were flooding down her cheeks in a torrent. A sob built up in her chest and then came bursting out as she sunk forward into Sawyer’s arms.

He took her weight and eased them both down to the floor, settling her in his lap. He stroked her hair, rubbed her back, and held her as she wept.

“I’m sorry,” she hiccupped at last when her tears started to dry up. “You were hurt and I'm crying all over you.”

“Don’t be sorry. Holding you in my arms was all I've wanted to do since it happened.”

“Are you really okay?” Ashley lifted her head from Sawyer’s shoulder and stared into his eyes, seeking the truth.

“Really and truly okay aside from a headache, and even that is duller now that I took some painkillers.”

“I love you so much.” She took his face between her hands and kissed him again, deeper and more passionately this time like it was the last time she would ever kiss him.

His tongue pressed between her lips, and one of his hands dropped to her bottom, kneading one of her cheeks.

“Sawyer,” she said, breaking the kiss and putting her hands on his shoulders, lightly pushing him away. “What are you doing? We cannot have sex in our boss’ office. Brady is right outside.”

“Oh, I don’t want to have sex in Brady’s office,” Sawyer said, standing and bringing her up with him. “Brady said to take the rest of the day off. Let’s pick up the kids, go home, put them down for their naps, and then we’re making up for the last two days of being apart.”

Ashley couldn’t think up a single argument against that.

It sounded perfect.

* * * * *

4:43 P.M.

“What do you want for dinner?”

Hayley laughed. “Dinner? You're thinking about dinner already? It’s only quarter to five.”

“I like to look forward to dinner, it’s my favorite meal of the day.” Brian grinned, his blue eyes sparkling.

For some reason he seemed to look extra hot this afternoon.

Maybe it wasn't anything different about him, but just her that was different.

She’d had such a wonderful twenty-four hours. The beginning of her and Brian’s relationship as a couple and not just friends, making love all night, talking, learning things about him that she’d never known before, and sharing things about herself she’d never really verbalized even to herself. Then today hanging out with Brady and Aurora and her sister, they’d had so much fun decorating the little Christmas tree, laughing and talking, and watching little Star zoom around the apartment giggling and begging for more and more Christmas cookies.

It really felt now that she and Brian were a couple.

They hadn't worked out all the details, like if they were going to tell their families right away or wait until they’d been dating a while. Their families would be thrilled but it would kind of add pressure to their fledgling relationship because they wouldn’t want to let everyone down. She didn't know how fast they were going to move. If they would take things slow or if they would talk about maybe moving in together when this was over, and they could go home.

But what she did know was that she was one lucky lady. As much as she’d miss her family if they had to spend Christmas here it would be kind of fun, just her and Brian, laughing, talking, drinking hot chocolate, eating turkey, exchanging gifts, watching Christmas movies, maybe they’d even put on some Christmas music and dance. And she already knew how the day would end. The two of them in bed together.

“What are you smiling about?” Brian asked.

“Nothing,” she said, but she knew her cheeks were heating up, and that would tell him exactly what she had been thinking about.

“You're thinking about the two of us having sex again, aren’t you?” Brian teased, his grin growing bigger. He leaned over and brushed his lips across her neck, making her shiver that delightful shiver Brian was so good at giving her. Then he took her hand and entwined their fingers. “I can't wait to tell our families. I don’t think they're going to be surprised.”

“My mom won't be, she’s known about my crush since I was a teenager. She thought when we were older we would make a great couple.”

“I'm pretty sure my parents think the same thing.”

For now, she was glad they didn't have to make any decisions about their relationship beyond enjoying being in their own little bubble where they could just enjoy each other.

“So …” Brian started, “did you decide what you wanted for dinner?”
