Page 71 of Yuletide Hero

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“She was outside,” Kinsley replied.

“Before or after Leah went out the window and up onto the roof?”

“When Daddy went out the window after Leah, he told Mommy to go outside.”

Interesting. Jay might not have necessarily planned on killing Leah when he followed her out onto the roof. If he’d told his wife to go outside, then he thought there was a chance that Leah might have gotten away and wanted to make sure Maria didn't let that happen.

So, Maria really was involved in the abuse of her children.

She had picked which side she was on, and it wasn't out of fear it was because she liked what Jay was doing to her. Hayley could tell when she looked into the woman’s eyes. She could hear it in her voice and feel it in the air when the three of them had been in the back of the truck together. She had felt Maria Turner’s jealousy. She’d seen the look on the woman’s face when Jay had bent her over his knee and spanked her.


“Yes, honey?”

“Did my daddy hurt you?”

There was no point in lying to the child, even at five Kinsley knew what kind of man her father was. “Yes, he did.”

“Is he going to hurt you again?”


“I want to leave,” Kinsley said, her voice wobbling. So far, the little girl had done a marvelous job of holding it together, but she was just a child, and Hayley herself was finding it hard enough to stay strong, expecting Kinsley to was out of the question. Maybe she should tell the little girl to go out the window. It was a risky trek for such a small child, but realistically probably no riskier than her remaining here. The best they could hope for was that Jay and Maria had a lot of missed time to make up for and that they would spend another few hours together, which would buy enough time for Brian and the others to find them.

She couldn’t let herself believe that she wouldn’t be found.

She couldn’t.

Because if she did, then she would lose all hope.

And if she lost all hope then she would fall apart.

She had to stay strong.

She had survived so much already, and she would survive this too. After all, she had the best motivation in the world to return home.


The two of them had only just become a couple, she couldn’t die now.

An ominous feeling filled the room, and a moment later the door opened, and Jay and Maria appeared.

Kinsley whimpered and pressed closer. The extra pressure on her battered body hurt, but Hayley didn't push the child away, instead, she drew her closer as though the little girl’s sweet innocence could somehow protect her.

“It’s time,” Jay sneered. He carried in his hands a plank of wood and a couple of bricks. Maria also carried a few bricks. From the way the woman held herself Hayley knew she’d been right and that her husband had given her another brutal beating.

She didn't bother pointing out that he had Kinsley back now so there wasn't really any point in killing her because she knew it made no difference to him. Jay didn't care about his daughter beyond using her as a punching bag, and to him the point was that she had taken Kinsley to begin with.

Setting the plank of wood and the bricks beside the bed, Jay stood over her. His blue eyes were cold, icy cold, and she shivered as he fixed them on her in an unbreakable stare.

“Kinsley, go to your mother,” Jay ordered.

The child hesitated, clinging tightly, her little cheeks wet with tears. But she obviously knew what disobedience would lead to and reluctantly stood and crossed the room to stand with Maria.

Jay leaned down and cut the rope securing her wrist to the bed, then roughly grabbed her by the arms and lifted her up, dropping her onto the mattress. Before she had a chance to try to move away, he had taken one of her arms and secured it to the bedpost. He repeated this with her other limbs. Pain radiated through her as her extended limbs put pressure on her injuries. She sucked in a breath and fought back the tears, she didn't want to add to Jay Turner’s pleasure by crying.

“Think you’re a tough girl, huh?” Jay pressed his thumb against the gash on her head, causing her to wince. “Leah used to think she was a tough girl too, but her mother and I taught her a lesson. I think this will work quite well for you.” He picked up the plank of wood and set it on her chest. Then he picked up one of the bricks and held it over the wood. “It can take days to suffocate as I slowly increase the weight on your chest,” he said with a smile.
