Page 73 of Yuletide Hero

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She was one of a kind.

He knew that she had grown up in a home with abuse, just like he had, although her stepfather had never laid a hand on her, but he didn't know how that had created the woman she had become.

Nor did he care.

All he cared about was that he had the perfect wife.

He’d go take a nice, hot shower, then tend to the two gunshot wounds he’d gotten in the last few days. Then he would check in on Hayley, maybe add another brick to the three already slowly crushing her chest, before going to the bedroom and letting Maria tend to his every whim.

Maria had picked up Kinsley and was just passing by him to walk down the hall to the staircase that led to the bedrooms when the front door was suddenly rammed open.

Without thinking about what he was doing, Jay just reacted. He grabbed Kinsley from her mother’s arms and held her in front of him. Pinned to his chest, her small body was a barrier between himself and whoever had just broken in.

“Hands where we can see them,” a voice yelled as three people rushed into the room. “Down on your knees, let the child go, hands in the air.”

Jay ignored those orders.

No one told him what to do, especially not some woman cop.

He remembered two of the three people in the room. Detective Jessica Spears and Detective Adam Abram had been the cops there with Hayley Hood the day they had taken his kid. If he had his gun on him, he would have shot the two cops and the other man—who he thought was the one who had tried to stop him in the street last night after he’d crashed the stolen truck into Hayley’s car. The man had nearly interrupted the abduction, probably would have if he hadn't been planning on setting the car on fire with the bodyguard still inside. If he had his gun, he definitely would have shot all three of them and not regretted it one iota.

“Jay Turner, put your daughter down and get onto the floor on your knees, hands above your head,” the male cop ordered.

He just chuckled.

He wasn't going to do that.

He might not have his gun on him—having left it upstairs in the master bedroom—but he had an adorable little human shield that he knew none of the three people who had just broken in here would dare risk harming.

“I don’t think so, Detective,” he said with a smile.

“More officers will be arriving shortly. You’re not walking away from here so you may as well surrender, save yourself additional charges,” Detective Spears told him.

What a joke.

He had killed his daughter, he had attempted to kill Hayley Hood on multiple occasions, he had assaulted a bodyguard or cop or whoever the man was at the group home, he had tried to kill the bodyguard in the car last night, he had abducted his daughter, he had beaten his wife on several occasions, and he had Hayley Hood upstairs tied to a bed with bricks on her chest. There was no way he could cause himself more problems by refusing to surrender. By the time they added up all his charges he was probably never seeing the outside of a prison cell for the rest of his life, so he had nothing to lose.

“How did you find me?”

“A social worker got involved with your family after your father smashed your older sister’s face into a mirror. Once your sister was removed from the home that left you as the next in line to take the brunt of your father’s anger. You couldn’t blame him for what he did, you're just like him, but you blamed your mother, your sister, and the social worker. Is Bridie Kocsh still alive?” Detective Spears asked.

He was getting annoyed.

He didn't like the attitude of the cops.

They thought they had gotten the best of him just because they had figured out where he was hiding.

So what?

That didn't make them better than him, and it didn't mean they were going to best him.

“Maria, down on your knees,” Detective Spears ordered.

No way was that happening.

No one but him told his wife what to do.

“Maria, don’t move,” he commanded.
