Page 102 of A Journey For Jasmine

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“Yes,” she said. “Thanks. This works. I mean if you’re sure. I’d like to pick up a few things at the store to have here.”

He frowned. “Like what?”

“Nothing that you need to worry about,” she said, laughing. “Food things. I’m always eating your food, but sometimes I can keep stuff here. We spend more time here than my place. I like different snacks than you.”

“You could have told me,” he said.

“I’m fully capable of buying my own snacks,” she said. “You’re okay with me having a way in and out of your house?”

He pulled her close to him. “Jasmine. I love you. You know it. I know there is part of you that thinks things are going fast, but I like what we’ve got. If it’s too much, I expect you to tell me.”

“It’s not. It’s just right. I’ll probably leave when you do though and get a few things. Ivy will come over later to swim. If you don’t mind her being here when you get out.”

He finished his coffee and stood up to put his mug in the dishwasher. “No. I don’t. Enjoy your day with your sister. When are you going to talk to her about the job at Blossoms?”

“I think today. When she gets here I’ll see what mood she is in and bring it up. It’s time. I almost feel bad sitting on it and think it’s selfish on my part. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“It’s not selfish to want to protect what you’ve got,” he said. “Remember that.”

He left the house a few minutes later and went to his office. The place was busy already and he had a list of things he wanted to get done.

By ten his mother was coming into his office. “Why aren’t you home with Jasmine?”

“Because I’m here to see how things are going. Jasmine is going to spend some time with Ivy at the house. They’ve got things to work out and, honestly, I like that she feels comfortable enough to do them at my place.”

“Do you want her to move in with you?” his mother asked.

“If things continue the way they are, I think that’s the next step. But now isn’t the time. Not with Ivy moving into her place. She needs to be there for her sister. This gives her the best of both worlds I think.”

“I just want you to get the best for yourself,” his mother said.

“I think I finally am.”

Rather than feelingodd about the fact Wesley gave her access to his house, Jasmine liked it. She’d never ask, but it was more convenient. Not that she’d come here without him knowing, but now she could run to the store before Ivy showed up and get some food and a few other things.

She hated how Wesley paid for everything but told herself to get over it. He had a lot more money than her and there was no use arguing.

Some things she realized just weren’t worth it. Like who was buying muffins or milk.

She pulled into the grocery store and got out. She normally had a list and was trying to think of what she needed and then realized she was starving again and just started to pick up food at random. She was going to grill tonight with Ivy there anyway, so she grabbed some chicken knowing her sister liked that over beef at times.

Then she remembered Ivy commenting about ice cream so she grabbed some of that too. She couldn’t decide on flavors and just picked two different ones and the makings for sundaes. Wesley liked ice cream too.

When she was walking up and down the aisle she remembered that she should pick up some condoms to leave at his house.

She checked out and drove back to his house and was putting the food away when Ivy rang the bell. She saw the bag with the condoms and toothpaste in it and tossed it on Wesley’s bed, then went to get the door.

“You remembered how to get here,” she said to her sister.

“It’s not that hard. It’s a small area, but I am putting everything into my phone to give me directions.”

“Come in. Do you want to go sit by the pool now? It’s so nice out.”

“I’ve got my suit on already,” Ivy said.

“Then go out and I’ll change into mine.”

She went to Wesley's room and grabbed her suit out of the drawer she was keeping it in and changed, then sat next to her sister in a lounge chair.
