Page 113 of A Journey For Jasmine

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“You’re really okay with this?” she asked.

“What have I said or done to make you think otherwise?”

“It’s just a lot to take in is all.”

“As long as you love me and we are in this together, it’s all good. I’ll just work on getting you under my roof sooner rather than later.”

“Give me time,” she said.

“A little,” he said. “Now let’s go feed that seedling in your belly.”

She grinned over that. It did seem to fit.


In Her Condition

It’d been almost two weeks since Wesley found out he was going to be a father. Jasmine had her appointment a few days ago and it was confirmed that she was almost nine weeks pregnant. He wanted to shout it out to the world; she wanted to keep it quiet.

He wanted to at least tell his mother and she wanted to wait until she was out of the first trimester. She hadn’t even told her sister and was hiding her queasiness from everyone. She said it wasn’t that bad, but he’d seen her gagging a few times in the morning and he wondered how long she was going to be able to push that off before she was questioned.

He just had to keep reminding himself that he’d been worrying he was moving too fast with her and she’d said things were good, but she liked where they were.

But things changed in his mind. They had a child coming and that meant more responsibility for him. More he had to do to help her.

Yes, she was independent and all that stuff. He knew it and appreciated it. But they were in this together and he had to figure out how to get her on the same wavelength as him.

This was where two people who liked to be in control were clashing. But at least they were talking, so that was something.

He was at the marina working when his phone went off. He saw that it was Mitch who pretty much ran the marina and asked if he could come down by the docks, that someone was asking for him.

That was odd, but it had happened before. Someone who came in to get gas or needed repairs. Maybe just stopped for lunch and wanted to see the owner.

He said he was on his way and moved in that direction.

Mitch was talking to a man and woman, and the closer he got, he realized it was Noelle’s brother, Keith, and his wife, Stephanie.

“Wow,” he said, moving closer. “Keith, Stephanie. Good to see you both. You’re a long way from Tampa. What are you doing here?”

“We flew in last night,” Keith said. “We wanted to see if it was true.”

He’d reached his hand out to shake and was going to hug Stephanie, but the tone of Keith’s voice stopped him.

“If what was true?” he asked. “Come on up to the marina. The wind is rough out here right now.”

His brother-in-law followed him up, Stephanie close by. Neither of them was smiling and he wasn’t sure why. He knew they were upset by the lawsuit, but it hadn’t been his choice to file it. His mother did it, and in a moment of weakness he’d agreed.

There were a lot of times he wanted it to end and Noelle’s family had been disgusted by it. They hated how it dragged out and made him out to be after the money.

He’d been in such a bad place in his life then that he tried to push it from his mind. He hadn’t said goodbye to them when he left town. No one was really talking at that point.

Did he miss his nieces and nephews? He did, but he still sent them Christmas and birthday gifts.

They got up to the building and he changed his mind and walked to the restaurant. There was enough bite to the air, that maybe some coffee or lunch would go down well.

“That you bought this place with Noelle’s money.”

“What?” he asked. “I can assure you that Noelle’s life insurance didn’t even touch this place.”
