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“There are nachos on the menu?” he asked. “Where?”

“That’s one of the bar specials,” his mother said. “Not on the menu. I’m thinking of doing a bar menu but didn’t want to do too many changes at once. If you want a rundown of everything, we can go back to my office and talk about it.”

“No,” he said. “And it’s getting busy in here. Don’t you want to go around and talk to everyone?”

His mother wasn’t the hostess, but she was making sure she was seen by everyone. Welcoming them to Mona’s and asking for suggestions and getting opinions. It was a nice touch. She’d always been a good hostess for parties and had great style. She’d make this part of the business thrive, he was sure.

“I will. But I’m talking to my son right now. Aren’t I allowed to force him to take a break and eat a meal?”

“You are,” he said. Thankfully Trisha brought his sandwich out and set it down in front of him. For a Wednesday a little after one, it was pretty busy in here.

He picked up his turkey club sandwich and took a bite. “Don’t inhale it,” Mona said. “But to catch you up, we’ve got a last minute baby shower for two weeks from now. It’s a Sunday afternoon which is perfect and it will be in the large room and not affect dining at all.”

“That’s what you wanted,” he said.

“It is. Jasmine came out to meet with the client to talk about flowers. I figured we could all be on the same page at once. What a sweet young lady Jasmine is. Funny too.”

“She seemed it,” he said.

His mother waited as if she was choosing her words. She wasn’t one of the best attorneys in Tampa for nothing. “What did you two talk about?”

“Work,” he said.

“You’re interested in flowers?”

“Hardly,” he said, taking another bite and chewing.

“She asked about your work?”

“No,” he said around a mouthful.

“I can’t get anything out of you.”

“I’m answering your questions directly. Isn’t that what you used to tell your clients in the past?”

“Wise guy.”

“As I’ve been told before.”

“If she didn’t ask about your work and you didn’t ask about flowers, then what did you talk about?”

“Ahhh, not a direct question this time. Or a yes or no one. I bumped into her because I was looking at my phone.”

“You and that darn phone.”

“Yep. And hers was going off just as much.”

Though she never took it out of her pocket until she wanted to make a joke and point out that they were all glued to it.

She wasn’t though. It kind of made him feel bad. More so when he commented on maybe her sister had something important to share.

“As does mine. It’s life. You get to it when you can.”

“I do,” he said. “I can only be in so many places at once.”

“One of the places you need to be is with a woman. You need a personal life too, Wesley.”

He’d heard this enough in the past two years. “How many changes in my life do you think I can handle at once?”
