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Mona laughed. “Except their children.”

Guess the sarcasm wasn’t lost on Mona. “No,” she said. “That makes me sound horrible and I’m really not. We are all happy in our lives.”

“Are you all single?” Mona asked.

“We are. At least I think so. No one is married, if that is what you mean. Ivy’s recently single from her last boyfriend. I haven’t heard anything new from my brothers.”

“I find that as we get older we tend to go about our lives and not always inform others what is going on.”

She wanted to ask more about Wesley but knew that wouldn’t be right. It wasn’t her business. If she wanted to know more about the guy, she could ask him herself.

“Do you have any other children?” she asked. She figured that was a fair question, all things considered.

“No. Wesley is my one and only. Probably a good thing. He’s not too damaged by his mother not being around and his father being a jerk.”

“He doesn’t seem it to me,” she said.

“No,” Mona said. “I’ll let you enjoy your night while I get back to work.”

She nodded her head and went back to her nachos. It wasn’t twenty minutes later that a man sat down next to her at the bar.

“Hi. You here alone?”

This was why she shouldn’t have done this. The last thing she wanted to do was fend off some random dude.

“I am and like it that way,” she said.

“Heard,” the guy said. He raised his hand for a drink. “You don’t mind me sitting here then, right?”

Shit. Maybe he just wanted the chair and here she came off like a bitch. That wasn’t her either.

“It’s a free chair for whoever might want it.”

The guy got his beer and she went back to her nachos. She was milking the wine and the snack hoping for a chance to see Wesley and realized that might not happen when he worked in the marina.

“Are you from around here?”

The dude was still going to chat her up. She didn’t want to be rude. “I am,” she said but she didn’t ask him the same question.

“I’m in town on my boat for the weekend. I’ve got it docked out a bit and thought I’d come in for some food. Know where or what action there is around here?”

“Not sure what you mean by action, but it’s a pretty quiet town.”

“It’s starting to feel that way,” the guy said and got up with his drink to move outside. There was a table of guys he sat with and she knew he’d been hitting on her all along. Asshole.

“Was that guy bothering you?”

She turned to see Wesley come and sit down next to her. Wow. Maybe Poppy was right and this was going to work out.


Think Before I Speak

Wesley was starving and figured he’d stop in and get something to eat and go back to his office with it.

The last thing he expected to see was the long brown hair of Jasmine sitting at the bar with a guy next to her.

He’d placed his order for dinner and was waiting around and heard the conversation. She’d handled herself well and he could have left, but his feet moved closer, prompting him to see if she was okay.
