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“I know. But he aced all the exams and they were intrigued with his upbringing. I believe that gave him an edge. He’s out to prove he deserves to be there and is doing well.”

“I get the feeling that might be a family trait?” he said.

“What’s that? The need to prove ourselves?”

“Yep,” he said, finishing off his burger and noticing half his beer was gone. He was enjoying this more than he thought he would.

“That is probably the case. For me, I just want to call the shots in my own life. I don’t want someone to make decisions for me anymore.”

He lifted an eyebrow. “Don’t we all want that?”

“Damn,” she said. “I knew I liked you. Yes, I think we do.”

“Do you make it a habit of coming here?” he asked. “And I just haven’t seen you before?”

“No,” she said. “I figured since we’ll be doing business with your mother, or I will be, I should check out the restaurant too. Running into you was a nice side benefit.”

“It was,” he said. “I had fun tonight. I know that sounds corny, but I guess I don’t do much more than work.”

“I’ve had fun too. We could try again if you want.”

He waited a second and then said, “Sure.”

“Oh please, don’t feel you need to say yes because I asked to your face. I can take a no if you’re not interested.”

He saw the smile and heard the humor in her voice and then caught her eyes drop to his hand where he was rubbing his ring finger.

“I’m interested.”

“But it’s complicated?” she asked.


“A drink and some conversation doesn’t need to be complicated. I told you some of my life and you can decide if you want me to know some of yours.”

“You mean my mother didn’t say anything?” he asked. He wouldn’t put it past her with the way she’d been lately.

“No,” she said. “I would rather hear things from the source anyway. All she said was she’d changed careers and mentioned her ex.”

“Did she swear when he came up?” he asked.

“She did. It surprised me, but I was being polite. Maybe you’ve got a great relationship with your father.”

“No,” he said. “We are cordial at best.”

His father had been out of his life for most things.

When Noelle died he was there, but it felt forced.

And then the lawsuit...when the win was announced, his father came around much more.

Wesley wasn’t an idiot and had seen this with his parents years ago and all but slammed the door in his father’s face.

He didn’t want the damn money he’d gotten, as it was, but he sure the hell didn’t want someone to come to him for it either.

“I’m sorry about that. I’m not close with either of my parents. We love each other and all, but well, you know some of it.”

“A different upbringing. My guess is they were out to save the world, which is a wonderful thing, but had five kids at home that might need a slice of that time.”
