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Violet laughed at that and walked out of the room. More like strutted. She was funny at times and mysterious at others. They all knew it and accepted it.

“Now that you’ve got all the facts, we can get to work,” Jasmine said. “I’ve got a ton of orders to fill and supplies to order.”

“I’m happy it went well,” Lily said.

“Me too.”

“You never did tell us what Wesley did before,” Rose said when she was walking out of the room.

The three sisters all stopped. “Oh. He was Vice President of Operations for some manufacturing plant. They made parts or something for machines used all over the world. He said he had a stressful job and spent a lot of time there.”

“A workaholic then?” Rose asked.

“Aren’t we all?” Poppy asked. “Or used to be? It’s part of owning your own business.”

She knew that and got the feeling that it might have been an issue with Wesley’s marriage too but wouldn’t say that. It was a guess and didn’t mean anything now.

“We are,” she said. “But he brought up another date and not me, so my guess is he is trying.”

“That is all that matters,” Lily said.

“It is,” she said. The three sisters left and she finally decided to get to work.


Second Guessing Himself

Wesley picked his phone up again, started to type out a text and placed it back down.

He wasn’t sure why he was itching to reach out to Jasmine so fast, but he was.

There was part of him that had a great time last night and couldn’t wait to again. Then there was another part of him that worried she would think he was a headcase.

If she did, he wanted to know. No reason to waste their time.

He’d taken a risk giving her a kiss at the end of the night. He’d walked her to her car, the two of them standing there awkwardly, then he leaned down and placed his lips to hers.

Just a soft fast kiss, but he stayed longer than he thought he would.

Her lips were smooth. Her body leaning into his. He could tell her arms wanted to go up around his neck, but she hesitated just long enough and he stepped back.

He wasn’t sure if it was a test for him or her, but he wanted to be able to ease into the whole situation and felt he did a good job of that.

But here he was in the morning second-guessing himself again.

“What are you doing?” his mother asked him from the doorway of his office.

“Working,” he said.

“No,” she said. “You keep picking your phone up and putting it down. Is someone blowing it up on you again?”

He had to remember she had eyes everywhere.

“No,” he said.

“You are expecting a call or text then?” she asked.

“Why does it matter?” he asked her.
