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This time she was excited too.

“So am I,” she said.

“Why don’t you go fill Violet in on what is going on. Then you can call Mona back and find out what times work for her and I’ll make it work for me,” Lily said.

“Thanks. I’ll do that now.”

She turned and went back to the flower shop, leaving the three sisters there talking. “Was there a party going on and I wasn’t included?” Violet asked.

Violet was two years older than her. They got along great. Maybe because neither of them talked much about their lives outside of work. Or outside of Mystic.

Funny when she thought of it, but they weren’t from around here and it never came up much what their lives were like before.

It was almost a mutual respect to give the other privacy of their past.

Violet hadn’t had any floral experience. But she had worked retail and supervised in her past. She was great with the customers and she caught on quickly.

To Jasmine, it was perfect having her manage the flower shop, take the daily orders and figure out deliveries and schedules. Jasmine would meet with clients when it came to weddings or bigger orders, but Violet could normally handle the rest with Jasmine just looking things over.

“Sorry. You weren’t here when I saw Lily,” she said. “Exciting news.”

“I was outside helping Chris fill the van for deliveries,” Violet said. “What’s the news?”

“I took a call from the new owners of the Whitney Marina. I wonder if they are going to change the name,” she said, frowning.

“Focus, Jasmine,” Violet said, laughing at her.

“Sorry. I’ll find that out. Anyway. Mona Wright was her name. She bought it with her son, Wesley. They are turning the restaurant and the area by the water into a wedding and party venue. She wants to contract exclusively with one shop for flowers and called us.”

“That’s awesome and so exciting,” Violet said. “When does it start? When do we get our first order?”

“No clue. Lily and I are going to meet with them one day next week. I’m going to call her now. I hope soon. I love doing flowers for weddings.”

“Me too,” Violet said. “And if I haven’t thanked you before, I will again for teaching me so much. I do enjoy playing with them. You’re so lucky that you can lose yourself in them when you want.”

It was the only way she’d gotten through her childhood. You’d think she’d be sick of flowers as an adult, but instead she embraced them as being part of her world.

The world she could control and make decisions in.

Jasmine was never going to let herself get into a position where she had no control of her life again.


Switched Gears

Mid-June, the last thing Wesley wanted to do was sit in on some meeting regarding flowers for weddings and parties.

But he’d bought this marina with his mother in their attempt to start a new life from the one they’d left behind in Florida.

For him, he needed to get away from the memories of Noelle.

For his mother, she’d worked hard her whole life and it was time to switch gears. She was too young to retire fully, but the cutthroat world of personal injury law had worn her out.

Her last case, her biggest settlement to date, was what allowed them to do this joint venture.

“Mom,” Wesley said, walking into the restaurant. His mother didn’t know how to cook other than the dinners she’d made for him and his father years ago. When she was home enough to even go into the kitchen. “How long is this going to take?”

“I don’t know,” his mother said. “An hour or so. You’ve been running around like crazy since we closed on the marina six weeks ago. It will do you good to talk to some of the local businesses.”
