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“No,” he said. “That came out wrong. I’m only saying that I am who I am and have to do things my way. Or when I’m ready. I think I worried I wouldn’t find someone that would understand or accept that.”

“Ah,” his mother said, smiling. “But you did.”

“I did. And now I want it to continue. I just have to find a nice balance.”

“If anyone can do it, it’s you.”

His mother left. He picked his phone up on the desk, saw that it was nine. He’d been here a few hours and was already missing Jasmine and wanted to reach out.

He told himself no. To slow down.

Yesterday had been wonderfully fabulous. He couldn’t wait to do it again. He couldn’t wait to talk to her either.

But they both had jobs to do. She hadn’t planned on staying at his place last night and it made him feel good she hadn’t assumed.

He wasn’t even sure if he was ready for it this weekend.

He put his phone down. He’d reach out later. Right now might seem too soon and she was probably busy.

Besides, he had more to work out in his head and didn’t even know what to say without coming off as clingy.

So yeah, this dating thing wasn’t as easy as he’d remembered and he was glad he wasn’t out trying it with someone other than Jasmine.


Overworking Herself

July ran into early August and Jasmine couldn’t believe the time was flying.

It’d been a little over three weeks since she and Wesley had sex the first time. She couldn’t say slept together because they hadn’t done that once.

After their talk about her staying if he’d ask, she thought for sure that would have happened the following week. Or any other time. But it hadn’t.

They were busy. Both of them. She worked six days a week most times, Wesley working seven.

No, she didn’t need to work on Saturdays, but in the summer she did. Most times it was only in the morning, more so when they had events to deliver to, her taking a half a day during the week off at Lily’s insistence.

She did love that her bosses didn’t want her overworking herself, but she loved her job so much, she couldn’t help it.

Not to mention she was salary, so she didn’t count her hours. That also meant if she had to take off for an appointment now and again, she didn’t worry about making up the time.

It was give and take, but she rarely took.

That had been her whole life.

She’d always done what was asked of her. Mostly because she’d had no choice.

She had a lot of choices in life now and was going to continue to make sure they were hers to make.

“Morning, Heather,” she said to the newest employee of Blossoms.

Not that she was all that new. Heather had been hired last summer to work on an herbal line that was officially released in the spring. It’d been in trial stages prior and seemed to be taking off now.

Heather had started with herbal soaps first, easy enough to do and boost the scents for a men’s line. That was a big hit.

Then the shampoos and conditioners came. Candles and lotions were up next.

“Good morning,” Heather said, covering a yawn. “You’re the one that is here early today.”
