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Voice Of Reason

Jasmine had been running around most of the day with her sisters. Shopping, the aquarium, a quick lunch and now they were going to stop at Blossoms for Dahlia to look at some products. She’d been sending her sisters and mother gifts from there for years. They all seemed to enjoy them.

“Jasmine,” Poppy said when she opened the front door. “What are you doing here on your day off?”

“Dahlia wanted to check the storefront out.”

Poppy reached her hand out. “It’s so nice to meet you, Dahlia. And to see you again, Ivy. Are you ready to start your life in Mystic?”

“I am,” Ivy said. “I’m unpacked in Jasmine’s place. It will be nice to have so much room and a place of my own. Not just a room and a bathroom that feels like I can’t call it mine.”

She hadn’t realized her sister felt that way and should have. She knew what it was like to never have a place you could say was yours. To always share with someone or have them tell you the way things had to be.

To know it was temporary too.

Her apartment wasn’t really hers. She knew that. But she made it hers and she loved her place. She wanted her sister to feel comfortable there too.

“You can call my place yours,” she said. “Do what you want for the most part. I mean don’t paint anything without asking me, other than your room.”

“I can paint my room?” Ivy asked, her eyes getting big.

“Sure. We can change the paint on the walls per the lease, but when we leave it has to go back to white.”

“You’re leaving it?” Ivy asked. “I thought you loved it there. You’ve been there for years.”

She didn’t like the anxiety she heard in Ivy’s voice. “Chill, Ivy,” Dahlia said. “You’ve never lived on your own before. That’s normal. Jasmine is just commenting.”

“You three sound like us,” Rose said, coming forward. “You must be Dahlia and it seems more like me. Ivy is like Poppy.”

“Emotional,” Jasmine said, grinning.

“Very,” Dahlia said. “But we love her just the same. Jasmine tries to be the voice of reason.”

“Just like Lily,” Poppy said. “Please come and check out the shop. Tell us what you’ve got planned for the rest of the day and weekend.”

“We are going back to my place after here. My parents are on the way. They got stuck in traffic. That’s the only reason we had time to stop here first.”

The plan was to be back at her place by no later than twelve thirty, but Ivy was dragging them everywhere once they knew her parents would arrive closer to two now. At this point they might just try to go to their hotel and get in and relax, then come to her place for a bit before they left for dinner.

She was glad Mona was letting them have a table in the back. She’d opened it up for overflow of guests to spread them out this weekend, but it would be quieter back there and they could stay as long as they wanted. Mona and Wesley would be joining them for dinner too.

Ivy took off and started to walk around the shop. “She’s excited to be here,” Poppy said, looking at Ivy.

“Ivy always loves to shop,” Dahlia said. “That is why she never has any money.”

“Don’t be hard on her,” Jasmine said to Dahlia. “She’s pulling it together. She says she is set for now and I’ve got to believe her.”

“She’s never shied away from working, so I’m sure she’ll find something,” Dahlia said. “It’s just how happy she will be.”

“Dahlia,” Ivy said. “Come here. I want you to smell this. It’s one of my favorites.”

Dahlia shook her head and moved to the side, leaving Jasmine there with Poppy and Rose with lots of people moving around the shop.

“It’s busy here today,” she said.

“Holiday weekend. You know that. The flower shop has been busy too. The girls are loving it.”
