Page 10 of Ruby Malice

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And what I want is her.

“What a fucking bore,” Viktoria complains. “This whole event is a waste. Does anyone even know what we’re raising money for?”

“Children,” German supplies. “I think.”


“Maybe sick children.” He shrugs. “Or poor children. Or redheaded children. I don’t know.”

Rayne would hate my guests even more if she could hear this conversation. I’m not sure if she thought she was doing a good job of hiding it or not, but her dislike of us was plain from the moment she walked over to the table.

Maybe that’s why I paid her any attention at all: I could use a challenge. Fuck knows Viktoria isn’t one. Even now, she’s draping herself over my chair, arching her back to try to draw my eyes to her cleavage. Her perfume is cloying. Everything about her is repulsive tonight.

“Well, whatever. I hate kids anyway. Let’s leave,” she purrs in my ear. “We can have more fun back at your place.”

It’s my fault. I asked Viktoria to come with me because I can always fuck her without ending up as fodder for the rumor mill. But suddenly, I can’t summon even the slightest bit of interest in her company.

I shrug her off. “Not now.”

Like the wounded kitten she is, she huffs and turns away from me. And all I can think is,Rayne would have stood up for herself.

The thought of her has me searching the room. When I see who she’s with, I stiffen.

German notices and follows my gaze. “What the fuck is Stefano Corleone doing talking to that feisty little waitress?”

“Pissing on our truce.”

German raises an eyebrow. “Is that girl worth all that trouble to you?”

Maybe she is. Maybe she isn’t. I haven’t decided yet.

Out loud, I say, “It’s not about the girl. It’s the principle. He only wants her because he saw me talking to her.”

“So let him have her,” German shrugs. “Who gives a shit?”

“He needs to know I won’t sit idly by and be disrespected.”

This is business, that’s all. It has nothing to do with the violet shimmer in the woman’s eyes. Or the way her skin felt so soft under my thumb when I grabbed her.

Viktoria leans in. “What are you boys talking about?”

“Gossip. Your specialty,” German says. “Actually, you might be useful here. Not that you aren’t always useful, of course. Matter of fact, the boss man here has told me exactly how useful you can be.”

He’s a liar; I haven’t told him shit. But he’s seen Viktoria leaving my house late at night often enough to make his assumptions, and they probably aren’t far off.

“You are a pig, German.” She plays it cool, but I notice the embarrassed flush in her cheeks. I don’t give a shit—Viktoria can leave whenever she wants. She puts up with this because she’s desperate for me. That’s her problem, not mine.

German tips his head towards Stefano. “What do you think he wants with the serving girl?”

Viktoria’s lip curls in distaste. “Probably the same thing the two of you want with her.”

“I don’t want anything with her,” I growl.

“This little drama tonight was all just to make me jealous, then?” She shakes her head. “I’ll never understand what is appealing about a woman like that. Is this somePretty Womanfantasy? Do you want to take her shopping and teach her how to look less like trailer trash?”

“I don’t think most men have ‘shopping’ in mind when they hire a prostitute,” I drawl.

“Well, then there’s your answer,” she snaps. “Stefano wants to fuck her. I’m sure he will, too.”
