Page 13 of Ruby Malice

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While Stefano schmoozes his way across the room, I turn and head for the exit. I bypass the main doors on instinct and head towards the more discrete staff entrance off to the side. And the moment I step outside, I hear her voice.

“ … Why would he give me a gift?” she’s asking.

I close the door quietly and move down a few steps, sticking to the shadows. Rayne is standing on the sidewalk with one of Stefano’s suit-clad guards next to her. There’s a black box in her hands, though she holds it away from her like it’s roadkill.

“I just met him five minutes ago,” she continues. “And I didn’t even tell him my name.”

As if I needed the confirmation, there’s proof that Stefano is full of shit.

“He’s been holding onto this for a while,” the guard explains clumsily. “Waiting for the right woman to wear it.”

I hold back a snort, but Rayne doesn’t. “Does he pay you to say stuff like that?”

The guard doesn’t respond, so Rayne cracks open the box—and promptly goes still. “Holy shit,” she breathes. “Are those real diamonds?”

Maybe Viktoria is right. Maybe fancy gifts do go a long way in wooing women.

But in the next breath, Rayne proves me wrong. “I can’t take this. I don’t even know him.”

“That’s the point of the gift. To get to know him.” He still sounds like he’s reading off a script.

“I’m not in the mood to get to know anyone tonight,” Rayne retorts. “And I don’t think he’s going to get what he wants in return.”

“Mr. Corleone doesn’t want anything. Or, not much,” the guard says. “Just a ride.”

“What kind of ride?”

“What other kind of ride is there?”

“You know,” Rayne remarks, “I have a feeling this isn’t the first time you’ve stopped a girl on the street for your boss. The effort is admirable, but I’m not interested.”

That must veer off-script, because the bodyguard fumbles for an answer, but Rayne waves him away and shoves the box back in his hands.

“Tell him thanks, but no thanks. I’d rather take my bike.”

She tries to walk around the guard, but he darts in front of her. “Wait here. Talk to him when he comes out.”

“I already escaped him once tonight. I’m not doing it again,” she snaps. “Move out of my way. Now.”

As soon as she takes a step, the guard grabs her arm and pushes her towards the edge of the sidewalk. “You made me do this,” he mutters angrily. “This could have been very, very simple.”

I tense, but I hold back. Waiting. I’d love nothing more than for Stefano to step out and lay a hand on her. German asked if Rayne is worth a war. The truth is, I haven’t decided yet.

If Stefano shows his face, we’ll have our answer.

Rayne looks around to see if anyone is watching, but there’s no one on this side of the building. Aside from the glow from the front entryway, there are hardly even lights over here. I’m hidden in shadow. The night is quiet and still.

“Let go of me!” She jerks her arm away, but the guard pins it to her side with ease.

“Afraid I can’t, ma’am. The boss told me to hold you here by any means necessary.” He lowers his mouth to her ear. “There was no limit on what I can do to you, so don’t test me.”

Rayne goes deathly still.

For the first time tonight, she’s afraid.


