Page 145 of Ruby Malice

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From anyone else, maybe that thought would be nice. But I know for a fact Leonid doesn’t give a shit about his family. It’s the family business he cares about. I’d be great for his brand, for his empire. That’s as far as his affection goes.

“I said I’ll keep it in mind.”

Leonid leans back and crosses his ankle over his knee. “Old as I am now, I do remember when I was your age. It feels like you have your entire life ahead of you. More than enough time to live the way you want and then worry about a family later on down the line.”

“That sounds an awful lot like you’re saying I don’t have much time left, Leonid.”

He lets out a nervous laugh. “Ahha! You have that same dry sense of humor your father had. Hilarious. But I am being serious. Too many men squander their youth on drinking and women. Then, by the time they settle down and gather actual power, they’re older. Less driven. And it’s because men think their fun has to end when they’re married. But I’m proof that isn’t true.”

I regard him coolly, waiting for him to explain. He scarcely needs the invitation to keep talking. Leonid Kozlov loves few things as much as the sound of his own voice.

The man’s mistress is an open secret. Even his wife is aware of his indiscretions. But no one mentions her presence next to him at events. No one discusses her directly. It’s as if she doesn’t exist.

Leonid leans forward, his voice low. “Men like us, we get to have it all, Kirill. You start your family now, secure your lineage and harness your influence while it is at its peak. My daughter will give you healthy children with strong ties to two of the most powerful families in this country. That will secure both of our futures. Then, once that work is done, you have your fun. Being forced to choose which slice of cake you’d like from the buffet is no fun. Why choose when you can sample it all? I have.”

Leonid reaches over and grabs the hand of his mistress. She is a young woman, not much older than Viktoria, but she smiles up at him adoringly. I can’t help but notice the diamond rings on her fingers and the thick gold chain hanging around her neck.

Just like I told German, money is the only reason any woman puts up with Leonid.

“Your wife must be thrilled with your taste in cake.”

“My wife is at home in Toronto,” he grumbles. “Probably sitting in the mansion I bought her, eating food cooked by the personal chef I pay for, and ordering custom-made clothes from her favorite designers on a tab I fund. I’d say she is happy with her end of the deal.”

I’ve never considered myself a defender of monogamy, but I’ve never considered playing both sides. Marriage is a vow between two people. A promise to be faithful that I do not intend to break.

The fact that Leonid is fine pissing all over that vow does not speak well to the value of his word.

“You sound like a farmer selling a prize hog, Leonid. This is your daughter we’re discussing. Not the fattest pig in your stable.”

Leonid’s smile falters. “In a perfect world, I would do many things differently. But we do not live in a perfect world. We live in a world where dons cannot ignore their beautiful, blue-eyed maids, don’t we?”

The irritation inside of me solidifies and settles like a stone in my chest. He’s been looking at Rayne. Closely enough to note the color of her eyes. To notice I’ve been watching her, too.

He has no idea the dangerous line he is treading.

Stubborn old fool.

“I’d think through what you’re about to say before you continue, Leonid.”

“We’re allies, Kirill. Friends. That means we want what is best for each other, doesn’t it?”

“You should discuss that with Arnov,” I say. “He has different ideas.”

Much like his daughter, Leonid doesn’t like being left out of the joke. He continues on as if he didn’t hear me. “What’s best for me is that my daughter forms a connection with you and formalizes our alliance. Whatever,or whoever, you need to do to make that work for you, I can abide by.”

I might find it funny that Leonid Kozlov cares so little for his own daughter that he’s willing to use her as a pawn. In so many ways, Viktoria deserves it. But in truth, I find it all exhausting. This entire existence can be draining. Always angling for the upper hand, never certain if the person you’re working with is planning to sacrifice you for their own benefit.

More than ever in my life, honesty is appealing. Experiencing a raw attraction to someone that has nothing to do with what they could do for me… That makes my blood burn hot.

I’m sitting in a room with some of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the country, but the most thrilling thought to me is standing up and finding my beautiful, blue-eyed maid.

“Well?” Leonid presses.

I slide my chair out from the table and stand up. “Excuse me, Leonid.”

“Kirill,” he calls as I walk away. “Wait.”

But I ignore him.
