Page 153 of Ruby Malice

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Sasha Lenin is standing in the dark to the right of the door, but the shadows aren’t deep enough to disguise him. I recognize his lanky frame. His greasy swoop of hair.

Then Rayne is yanked to the side and the door thuds closed.

“Kirill?” Viktoria says. “Daddy asked you a question. Can you—”

I stand up quickly, rattling the table and nearly knocking my chair over in the process.

A hush falls over the room, but the rush of blood in my ears is so loud I barely notice. Five little words run through my head. I’ve thought them before under different circumstances, but never this intensely, never this violently.

I’m going to kill him.

Sasha Lenin just put his hands on my woman, and I’ll kill him. It’s a simple cause and effect. An if/then situation that requires no further exploration.

Viktoria reaches for me, but I shake her off and move towards the doors.

“Did he see something?” Leonid asks the table.

“Where is Sasha?” Arnov asks, already guessing what has caught my attention. He sure does know his son.

I know the repercussions this will cause, but none of them matter right now. The only thing that matters is getting to Rayne before Sasha can hurt her.

I’m halfway across the room when the door thuds open again. Rayne stumbles looking disheveled. Her shirt is askew, hair mussed, eyes wild.

Sasha is hot on her heels. If he was a smart man, he’d back off. Actually, if he was a smart man, he’d book a one-way flight to fucking Paraguay and never be seen again.

But apparently, he’s not a smart man, because instead of doing any of that, he reaches for Rayne.

“Get your fucking hands off of her,” I growl.

But I’m not sure Sasha even hears me. Because in the very next second, Rayne reaches for the table just inside the door, wraps her hand around a spare silver serving platter, and swings it around at full strength.

The platter connects with Sasha’s face and rings like a gong, the sound reverberating through the room.

For a second, everything is silent.

Then Sasha doubles over and cries out. “Fucking—Youbitch! What in the hell did you just do to me?”

His hands are clamped around his nose. I can see blood leaking through his fingers. A pride I’ve never felt before fills me.

“She broke your nose,” I growl. “Got it done before I could, unfortunately.”

Rayne looks over at me, but her eyes are glazed over. I see the beginnings of panic in the paleness of her face. She can’t believe what she just did.

That makes two of us.

“And what the fuck are you going to do about it?” Sasha snaps. “You let your staff assault your guests?”

“If you had any idea how close I am to assaulting you myself, you’d shut your fucking mouth.”

His jaw clenches. For a second, I think he might have some good sense and walk away. I should know better by now.

“Wow. She really must be a good fuck if you’re willing to—”

I close the distance between us in three strides and slam Sasha back against the double doors.

He winces and tries to get free, but I’ve left him no wiggle room. He’s pinned, and he knows it.

“What were you going to say?” I breathe in his face. “Finish it. Finish that fucking sentence.”
