Page 74 of Ruby Malice

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“And you lied,” I snap back. “I didn’t see a single sex swing up there.”

Now is not the time to make him more angry, but I can’t help myself with him. He pushes all of my buttons. I just want to push one of his, for God’s sake.

He’s vibrating with rage. “I don’t owe you even an ounce of the truth.”

“Then why should I care about your rules?”

His green eyes narrow on me, and suddenly, I realize where I’ve seen them before.

“You’re related,” I blurt. “You and Ilya.”

Before the words are even out of my mouth, Kirill pounds a fist against the “Emergency Stop” button and the elevator shudders to a halt. Then he pushes me back against the elevator wall. His hand is strong and flat against my chest.

For the first time, I’m scared of him. Strange, considering I just saw him be the sweetest version of himself upstairs.

“I’m right, aren’t I?” I croak.

“You always think so,” he barks. “Clearly, you don’t need any input from me. You’re going to do whatever you think is best. Even if it gets you killed.”

My heart is thundering against my ribcage. I wonder if he can feel it. “Would Ilya have hurt me?”

Kirill is quiet so long I don’t think he’s going to answer. But then he drops his hand and runs it through his hair. “Not on purpose. He’s not a monster.”

“I didn’t think he was.”

His eyes search my face for any sign of a lie. I stare right back. I have nothing to hide.

“But he can’t always control himself,” he continues. “He could have hurt you. And he could have hurt himself.”

I nod. “He was banging on the table. I saw he cut his hand, so I tried to stop him. But he pushed me.”

Too many emotions to count flicker across Kirill’s face. It’s like watching a slot machine. I wait to see what he’ll land on.

His teeth clench and I have my answer: rage, it is.

“You shouldn’t have even been there. How many fucking times do I need to say not to go up there? No one else has any trouble following the rules. Are you stupid, Rayne? Is that it?”

“Hey!” I push against his chest, but he might as well be a brick wall. He doesn’t move. “If I am stupid, it’s only because I didn’t quit the moment you walked into the kitchen on my first day.”

“I wish you had. It would have made my life significantly less complicated.”

“Yeah, and being harassed by my boss has been a real joy,” I bite out sarcastically.

“Is that what you call what we did yesterday?” It feels like we’re already impossibly close, but Kirill moves even closer. I have to breathe in to keep my chest from brushing across his. “Is it harassment when you beg me for it?”

Shame burns low in my belly. “Oh, and you were having such a terrible time? Your dick doesn’t seem to mind how ‘complicated’I am. It was eager enough yesterday.”

Kirill’s nostrils flare as fear and desire war inside of me. My body is poised on the edge, waiting to see on which side this interaction is going to fall.

As if he can read my mind, Kirill reaches up and strokes his hand down my neck. I think he might choke me, but instead, he lets the curve of his thumb and forefinger settle at the base of my throat like a necklace.

“That’s what this is,” he decides. “I left you on the edge of an orgasm yesterday and it drove you mad. This is you just acting out. Like a pouty little brat.”

“Shut up.” I try to swat his hand away, but he catches my arm with his free hand and pins it to the elevator wall behind me.

I feel my pulse pounding in my chest and between my legs. Without meaning to, my hips arch out to meet him.

His mouth tips up in a cruel slash. “You could have come to me, Rayne. You could have asked me to finish you off. If you begged sweetly enough, I might’ve done it.”
