Page 85 of Ruby Malice

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He nods and follows me to the table with the half-finished dolphin puzzle spread across it. For the next hour, we work on it in perfect silence.

When I leave for the day, Ilya dances his fingers through the air to mime “rain.”

I smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Ilya.”



Walking down the hall to my room, I feel like a zombie.

A red-eye flight to New York City, a day full of meetings, and an afternoon flight back to Los Angeles will do that to a man. Especially when I got off the plane and remembered time zones exist. I left New York at 3:20, spent six hours in the air, and touched down at 6:20. It’s supposed to be evening. I should be asleep.

Instead, the sun is out and I’m still plodding on.

I blame those extenuating circumstances for why I walk into my bedroom and don’t immediately notice anything amiss. Until—

“Welcome back, Kirill,” Viktoria purrs.

I release a long held sigh and turn to face her.

She’s lying on her side on the bed, one hand wrapped around her bare stomach, the other propping her head up. She’s in a full face of makeup and her hair is curled.

But she seems to have forgotten her clothes.

“What the fuck are you doing here, Viktoria?”

She glances down at her naked body and chuckles. “I’m not sure how you can look at me and ask that. What do you think I’m here for?”

“Is the warranty on my car expired?” I drawl. “That would make sense of the six calls and three voicemails you left me.”

“Which you never returned.” Viktoria rolls onto her back and drags a finger between her breasts and down her stomach. “Naughty boy.”

I grab the black silk robe from the floor and toss it on the bed. “I’m tired. Put your clothes on.”

“It will be hard to fuck me sideways if I’m clothed.” She parts her legs and slides a hand between her thighs. “I’ve made it easy for you. I’m already ready.”

A year ago—hell, maybe even a month ago—I would have rolled my eyes and climbed into bed. I’m not going to marry Viktoria, despite what she and her father seem to think, but I’m not above an easy fuck.

But now… I’ve never been less interested. My cock might as well be in a coma for all the excitement it's getting out of this unwelcome surprise.

“I’m not,” I say simply. “Leave.”

Before Viktoria can move, there’s a knock at the door.

“Come in,” she calls far too sweetly.

And when the door opens, I understand why.

Rayne walks in with an armful of fresh linens and new towels. The stack obscures her view at first, so she walks fully into the room before she sees Viktoria on the bed. When she does, she jolts to a stop.

“What the—” She looks at me, her blue eyes widening even further. “I thought you were out of town. What are you doing here?”

“What does it look like?” Viktoria taunts. “God, you really are stupid. But thanks for the clean towels.”

A flush creeps up Rayne’s chest and neck. She blinks, and I think those might be tears in her eyes.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t—I was—” She throws the blankets at Viktoria, who promptly shoves the whole mass of linens to the floor. Rayne shields her eyes with a flat hand against Viktoria’s nudity. “I was told specifically to bring clean linens to Kirill’s room. Why would you do that?” She turns to me. “Why would she do that?”
