Page 143 of Ruby Mercy

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"Not if I can help it," I mutter.



I knew working this party would be tense. I had no idea it would be a real-life game of Minesweeper. I am dodging disaster left and right, all while trying to balance trays of drinks and appetizers. And in heels, no less. Suddenly, I’m missing my black slacks and sensibly flat shoes.

Kirill is stationed on one side of the room, his back towards a corner so he can fully face the rest of the space. It’s strategic, I’m sure. A way for him to keep eyes on everyone and everything. God forbid he relax for a single second.

Really, I’m just upset that he can see me as often as he’d like, but I’m too nervous to even glance in his general direction. I don’t want him to catch me taking peeks at him.

Not that I have a ton of time to think about him when I’m busy moving in the opposite direction of wherever Sasha is. The man is playing Whack-A-Mole, disappearing for a stretch of time just to pop up suddenly feet away from me.

Then, lastly, there is Viktoria. She is at the center of the action, standing dutifully next to her father as he greets all of his guests. She looks gorgeous in a champagne-colored gown that drapes artfully to the floor and trails a bit behind her.

I clock her soaking in admiration from two different men as I refresh the drink table.

“She should be uglier,” a familiar voice whispers in my ear. “People like that need outsides that match their despicable insides.”

I bite back a laugh and gently nudge Natalia. “Careful with that kind of talk. That’s the boss’s daughter.”

“Leonid Kozlov isnotmy boss.”

“Tonight, he is.”

“Never,” Natalia insists. “I’m only here because Kirill asked me to be.”

I fumble the ice scooper in my hand, the metal utensil clattering onto the table. Luckily, the hum of conversation is loud enough to disguise the noise. Only the people closest to us notice.


Natalia gives an apologetic wave to the guests closest and picks up the ice scoop, finishing the task I’ve abandoned. “Shit. I wasn’t actually supposed to say anything about that. But who was Kirill kidding? He has to know I tell you everything.”

I shake my head, not following anything she’s saying. “Clearly, you don’t! You told me you got a text about the job.”

“I did. Then I got a follow-up text from Kirill. Sorry, boo. I should have told you, but it seemed like a harmless way for me to get two checks tonight. Plus, it was sweet.”

“What was sweet? What did the text say?”

“Kirill said I should accept the job offer from Leonid and he offered to match what Leonid was offering if I said yes.”

“That doesn’t—” I huff in frustration. “He basically threatened to blacklist me if I showed up tonight, but he bribed you? Make it make sense.”

I chance a look across the room and see Kirill chatting with a gray-haired man. He isn’t smiling, but everything about his posture and the drink gripped casually in his hand speaks to effortless nonchalance. The man, no matter how much I may try to deny it, is cool.

How can he manage this casual facade when he’s actually scheming under the surface? And to what end?

“Stop overthinking, Rayne. I’m starting to smell smoke coming out of your ears.” Natalia lovingly pats my head.

“I don’t understand him.”

“Then let me help you out. He…” Natalia says, jabbing a finger at Kirill. In a panic, I jerk her hand out of the air, but she is unruffled and starts over. “… loves you.”

Kirill loves me.The refrain my heart has come back to again and again since this afternoon. I still haven’t dared say it out loud.

“No, he—He is confused,” I tell her. “He thinks that, but—”

Natalia holds up a hand to silence me. “Wait! Did hetellyou that he loves you?”
