Page 44 of Ruby Mercy

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But Rayne looks hauntingly distant. There’s a tear streaking down her cheek, but her body is limp. She’s lost her fight.

No. She didn’t lose it.

This monster stole it from her.

I plan to get it back.

“Get your hands off of her before I rip them from your arms,” I growl.

He jumps back, hands held up near his face. “Who the fuck are—What are you doing?”

“I’m a lot more interested in what you’re doing, Steven Linley.”

His mouth opens and closes around the words he can’t find. He’s floundering, caught with his literal pants down and he knows it. “I don’t know who you are. I don’t owe you anything. I should call the cops for breaking and entering.” His undone belt flops at his waist like a lolling dog’s tongue. Something about it is vaguely pathetic.

“You’ll be dead long before they arrive. And when they do get here, I’ll tell them you like to rape your hired help.”

“I didn’t. I wouldn’t. Nothing happened!” he splutters.

“We can let the police decide. Or how about your wife, Steven? Does she know what you like to do when she’s not home?”

His skin pales, the color leaching out of him. “I wasn’t—An affair isn’t a crime. What I do in my own house is my business.”

“Maybe that would be true ifyour businessdidn’t involve my woman.” I lean in, voice low. “Unfortunately for you, I know exactly what kind of business you were up to.”

Finally, Rayne moves. She straightens up from the counter and moves closer to me on shaky legs. As she shimmies, she grabs her jeans and pulls them back up around her waist.

The sight of it makes something inside of me snap.

Before Steven can get another word out, I cross the room and slam my fist into his already bruised eye. His eye socket cracks beneath my knuckles. I hope I broke bones.

He screams and flings himself back, half-falling across the counter behind him. “What the—What are you doing?”

“Rapists shouldn’t live in glass houses, Steven. It lets the world see what they do.”

Just as he stands up, I come in with a left jab and catch him in the jaw. More shit cracks.

It feels good for a few seconds. But as he crumples to the floor, blood pouring out of his mouth and nose, I back off.

“Unlike you, I’m not interested in overpowering a helpless person.” I spit down onto his face. He doesn’t even bother to reach up and swipe it away. “You were tough when you were fighting a woman who trusted you, but you can’t even defend yourself now? You’re a fucking coward.”

Steven covers his face with an arm. He looks like a small child, curled in on himself. Helpless. Pitiful.

Rayne is standing behind the countertop, her back to the shattered window and her arms wrapped tightly around herself. She’s staring at Steven like he might still make a move at her.

I shift in front of her to block him from her view. Slowly, her eyes lift to mine.

“Come on, Rayne.” I hold out my hand. “Let’s go.”

She takes it with trembling fingers, but as she looks up at me, I see the fear slip away.

Her hand wraps around mine. Her trembles are barely perceptible, but it feels like they shake me to the core. I lead her through the shattered glass pane and back to my car.



As soon as I start driving, I realize I don’t know where I’m going. Pressing my foot down hard on the pedal feels good. The purr of the motor and the world streaking by in a blur of color is the only thing keeping me from turning around and ending Steven Linley’s life.
