Page 98 of Ruby Mercy

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That’s why I’m here.

“I’m not trying to imprison you, Rayne.”

“Then how do you explain you breaking into my hotel room?” she challenges.

I roll my eyes. “What I did to your home was breaking. This was merely entering.”

“You—” she starts to respond before she registers what I said. Her eyes narrow. “Wait. What did you do to my house?”

“You kidnapped my daughter and fled town. You left me no choice.”

“I tookmydaughter on a trip to visit my dad. The people closest to me knew exactly where I was.”

I fold my hands over my heart. “Ouch, Rayne. That cuts deep.”

“Get out.” She flings a hand towards the door. “I’ll call the police.”

“No, you won’t.”

“How do you know?”

I stand up, tracking the way Rayne’s eyes follow me. The way she licks her lips as I move closer to her. “Because when you came in and saw me sitting here, you didn’t even scream.”

“What does that mean?” she asks.

I hold up a finger. “One, it means that you weren’t nearly as surprised to see me as you pretended to be.” I add a second and then curl them under her chin, enjoying the way she shivers at my touch. “Two, it means that even once you knew it was me, you weren’t scared. Even now, you’re letting me touch you because you know I’m not going to hurt you.”

Suddenly, Rayne jerks away and circles me, shifting between me and the bed. “You’re making a lot of assumptions.”

“They’re observations. Correct ones, I’d guess, considering you just moved further away from your only exit and even closer to the bed.” I arch a brow.

Her cheeks flame a brilliant red. I want to cup her face in my hands and feel the heat.

“You can’t bust into my life like this, Kirill. I have a daughter. I can’t—I won’t sacrifice her childhood to play this game with you.”

“You already sacrificed her childhood. You kept her away from her father for five years.”

A line appears between her brows. Doubt. Her weakness.

Mine, too, apparently.

The anger drains out of me, and I move closer to Rayne. “Now that I know she exists, you can’t run from me. There is nowhere you can take her where I won’t find her. I will be there for her, Rayne. Whether you like it or not.”

She stares at me for a long time. I can practically see the gears in her head turning.

Finally, she takes a step back and drops down onto the bed. “You’re one of those dicks who is good at everything.”

“Excuse me?”

“Even fatherhood,” she snaps. “You’ve been a dad for twenty-four hours and you’re prepared to tear the world apart to be with Yuliana.”

You, too, I think.I’d tear the world apart for both of you.

“I should be grateful, but I’m just kind of… jealous.” She drops her face into her hands. “Jealous of my own daughter? God, that’s pathetic. Even for me.”

“I’m guessing the visit with your father wasn’t exactly Norman Rockwell worthy.”

She lets out a bitter laugh. “Yes, that’s correct.”
