Page 31 of Vegas Jackpot

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The limo pulls upto the exclusive restaurant, and we move inside.

“I don’t care what you do, find her, now. Take her out to my place and lock her inside,” Andrei barks into his phone. “I will kill you with my bare hands if she isn’t found.”

Grayson looks between his brother and the phone. Men move to Andrei’s side, and he starts issuing orders in Russian to them. I stand there confused and worried about whomever the woman is.

When Andrei is done, he looks at Grayson.

“Ley?” Grayson asks, worried about the family member who wouldn’t come with us.

“Nyet.” Andrei turns toward me and pastes on a fake smile. “I’m Andrei. Welcome to the family.” He kisses me on each cheek.

After a long night of meeting family members and being presented as Grayson’s wife, my feet are killing me, but I can’t wait to get back to our suite. Grayson ramped me up in the limo after he hadBabushkadropped off at her house.

I smile as I turn to watch my husband’s hooded eyes as he drags me through the casino, trying to avoid people.

I came to Vegas for a tattoo convention and left with an award and a husband. Of those two things, my husband is the biggest jackpot I’ve ever gotten. He’s everything and will be for the rest of our lives.

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