Page 12 of Yule Tyed

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It was a strange, scary time, when I never knew if they would hurt me or not. They would want me to wear certain items of clothing that would cause me to shudder. And that’s when they’d touch, gently at first, and then rougher.

It was only when I was sold to a man who called himself the Judge that things turned more violent, darker. It was a short time. I was there only a few months before Andre bought me at an auction. Which brings me here. Home.

I shut off the taps and dry off. My need to be in my room takes a hold of me. My breathing comes in short spurts, and I realise I’m going to have a panic attack. They started not long after I was taken. It was what always got me into trouble. I couldn’t help it. They came at the most inopportune times. As much as I wanted to fight them, to breathe through them, I couldn’t because they would take over.

I wrap myself in the towel before grabbing my clothes and rushing from the bathroom, only to slam into a hard, muscled frame. Tilting my head back, I lift my gaze and find Tye’s gentle stare. His hands are on my arms, holding me steady as he smiles down at me.

“Where are ye rushin’ off to?” he asks with a chuckle before he realises I’m in distress. “Come,” he says quickly and leads me into the bedroom before shutting the door. “What’s wrong? Einin, calm down. Breathe. Look at me, look into my eyes.” His orders come quickly, and I obey so easily. It’s there I find affection, in those familiar brown eyes.

When I’m finally able to breathe easier, Tye releases his hold on me. I step back slowly before placing a hand on his chest. The thrum of his heartbeat thuds against my palm. He was worried.

“I get those sometimes,” I tell him.

His gaze trails over me then, and it’s in that moment we both realise I’m naked. Only wrapped in a towel, I feel my cheeks warm as his gaze flickers with desire. I’ve never seen him look at me like that before. When we were younger, I had the biggest crush on Tye. But I was convinced he didn’t feel the same, until the day he finally kissed me.

The memory of his lips on mine washes away all the dark thoughts I just had. And I’m left with my belly coiling with need. The feel of his body against mine races through my mind, and it’s as if it happened yesterday.

“I better get dressed,” I finally whisper, but Tye doesn’t move.

His gaze finds my face again. “I know this probably isn’t the right time to do this, but I’ve never been one to find the right moments for anythin’.” He takes a step towards me, stopping inches from where I am. “I’m never goin’ to let ye go, ever again,” Tye whispers as his hand reaches for my face. He cups my cheek gently while running his thumb over my lips. “You’ve always been mine, Einin,” he tells me with the confidence I fell in love with all those years ago.

I can’t deny it’s true. I was always his. My young heart knew it before I had time to admit it. Whenever I looked at Tye, I knew I would be okay. He was there for me, he was more than just a friend. He was my first love. And I know even if I didn’t get back here, even if he didn’t find me, he would be my last love because he took my heart so many years ago.

As if he’s reading my mind, Tye says, “Ye stole my feckin’ heart, Einin. Fer six long years, I was so angry with ye. I thought ye’d taken it and run off, that ye didn’t give a shite,” he continues softly. “But it was my mistake. I shoulda fought fer ye.”

“You couldn’t have known,” I whisper, my stare locked on his. His touch is tender when he once again swipes along my lips.

“I shoulda known,” he affirms as his brows furrow. His expression is pained, as if it hurts him to think he didn’t realise I was taken. “Never again.” The two words are a vow, a promise, and I know he means it because the one thing Tyrion O’Connell is known for is that he never breaks a promise.

For a moment, I ache for him to kiss me. To swipe all those memories of darkness away, but he steps back and drops his hand. I shiver when he’s no longer close, his warmth stolen from me.

“Ye should be restin’,” he says. “I’ve just brought ye up somethin’ to eat. I’ll come fer ye in the mornin’.” With a smile, he turns and leaves.

The door is shut, I’m alone, and yet, I don’t want to be. Deep down, I want to run after him and ask him to stay, but I know he won’t, because he would want me to heal. The thing is, he’s the one who can fix me. I’m sure of it.

So, for now, I make myself at home because I’m not leaving him again.




Last night was difficult.

I didn’t want to walk away from her, but I knew I had to. She needs time. There are things she’s been through, things I don’t know yet, which will still haunt her.

There’s no doubt, though, I meant what I said. I’m not letting her go again. She’s mine, always has been. Nobody is going to go near her, hurt her, ever again. Now I have her, she’s here to stay.

“Merry Christmas, Tye,” Miren says as she enters my office with a mug of coffee.

“Thanks, love. Merry Christmas, to ye.” It’s early in the morning, not even six yet, but I’m working. She and Monster are happy. Watchin’ them in love is like watchin’ those feckin’ romance movies. Her London accent is still strong when she speaks, but every now and then, she’ll mimic Monster in some way, which makes me laugh.

Miren smiles as she looks over at me then says, “She’s lovely.”

“Aye.” I nod. “She’s always been like that. Just a bit shy, but there’s a light inside her I fell in love with.” I’ve never told anyone this before. Never admitted I loved her to anyone else but myself. Takin’ the mug from Miren, I say, “Thanks.”

“It’s a special day today.” Miren settles in one of the chairs beside me. “You should tell her how you feel. Not only to make yourself feel better, but just so she knows where you stand. If you never tell her, she’ll always doubt it.”
