Page 10 of Mortal Demon

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“She’s a hacker. We watched her in Whistler, but not since she returned to the village. She has some information we need on Graydon County Clinic. Raine would like to wipe her memory after we talk to her.”

Anaisa was silent for some time. “The power of perception is a rare gift. While my village is aware of the stories, they are not aware of the shadow’s individual abilities. I would like to keep that between us for now. With our mutual understanding, I don’t want any of the other elders to abuse this accord.”

“You think someone there would ask a shadow to use their ability?” Riley asked.

“Many humans seek power. The origin of their faith does not temper this need. I preferred the out of sight, out of mind approach to this particular subject.”

If Riley didn’t respect the priestess before, she would have now. Anaisa was openly suggesting that not all people in her village could be trusted. And Riley had to admit that the same was true for the shadow clans. While most appreciated the Haitian priestess’ help, there were those that would sever the connection permanently. “Can we talk to Lexi? More importantly, can we erase her memory of the discussion?”

“You can try. But tell Raine that some Haitians are immune to shadow powers. You may ask your questions, but I cannot guarantee his power will work on her. Though mostly retired, her grandmother is a powerful elder,” Anaisa said.

Riley placed the pen in the holder. “Do you need to talk to the grandmother before we talk to Lexi?”

“No. My power in the village is absolute. We have several elders, but I am the only seer,” she said.

“Raine and I will be there shortly. Please let Lexi know we are coming.”

“I will,” Anaisa said before she hung up.

Riley put the phone on its handset. “We are on.”

Raine’s shadow enveloped hers. She thought it would be like traveling with Colton, but while the power felt the same, the closeness and familiarity didn’t. Even her molecules knew the difference between the leader of the wolf clan and her mate. Raine made her feel safe and protected, even cared for, but it was that of a family member. A sister.

They coalesced at the tree line. The only pathway that approached the village. There is always a moment of nausea, like the village was trying to repel them, before it dissipated. She meant to ask Anaisa if it was natural or something they had done to discourage the shadows or reapers from approaching.

They were met by a young man as they reached the gate. “Ana said to take you to Lexi.”

Riley smiled at the young dark-haired boy with an orange and blue striped T-shirt. “Thank you. I appreciate your help.”

His eyes narrowed like he wasn’t sure what to make of her. “Follow me.”

He led them to a cluster of houses in the opposite direction of Anaisa’s. The purple home had an array of flowers bursting from the baskets that hung on the porch. The white trim and black door gave the home an unusual effect. He knocked before the door opened.

He pointed. “Go on in. She is waiting for you.”

They entered the living room. The orange and brown couches had a floral pattern from many years ago, but were in excellent condition. Unlike the priestess’ home, this one was well organized. The dining table held a single bowl with fruit in the middle, and the open kitchen had avocado-colored cupboards with white doors. The wooden counter had a knife block and an empty drying rack, as if the owner had just finished putting away the dishes.

Riley’s heart stuttered when Lexi exited the hallway. She had watched her many times since meeting her that first time and telling her about Leah. But every time she looked into Lexi’s eyes, she saw Leah. Their tone, their looks, and their drive were all identical. “Hi, Lexi.”

“Hi, Riley. Anaisa said you were coming, but she didn’t say why. Did you have something of Leah’s you forgot to give me?” Lexi asked.

Riley had told Leah’s twin that she and Leah were friends. She had returned Leah’s necklace to Lexi, saying she knew her sister would want her to have it. “This may be difficult to hear, but we are investigating your sister’s death. There has been a rash of abductions and we want to rule out Leah as a victim.”

Lexi sucked in a breath. “I knew it. I have been looking into it too.” Her eyes narrowed as she looked between Raine and Riley. “Is this your new boyfriend?”

Tact obviously wasn’t Lexi’s strong suit, and Riley almost laughed. “No, this is Raine. He is my sister’s husband. He is helping me look into the deaths.”

Lexi flinched. “Sorry. I know you were Leah’s friend. I am really glad you came to talk to me about this. The police think I’m nuts and the village has all but told me to drop it. Even my grandmother won’t listen to me.”

Riley felt terrible for Lexi. The Haitians couldn’t come out and say “sorry but your sister was killed by demons.” It put them in a precarious position. “Yes, everything points to a lone gunman, so I understand their point of view, but we have some information about the Graydon County clinic. It may be nothing but...”

“It’s not nothing. I hacked the clinic files and twelve of the women that have gone missing over the last four months were patients of the clinic.”

“Was Leah one of them?”

Lexi shook her head. “That’s the connection I can’t confirm. I don’t know what Leah has in common with these other women.”

Riley already knew the answer. Leah had a direct connection to the Haitian village. The demons already knew she had the right bloodline. They would also know Lexi had the same. Riley was no longer sure that Lexi should be kept in the dark. If she didn’t know the truth, she wouldn’t stay within the village confines where it was safe. She flicked a glance at Raine and knew he was thinking the same thing.
