Page 12 of Mortal Demon

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Riley had met Colton at their home. After she recalled her meeting with Lexi, she warned that they had to tread carefully. Leah’s sister had just been given the spark she needed for a full-out investigation. One that would lead her straight to the shadow shifter world.

They decided to keep an eye on Lexi, and Anaisa had agreed to step in if things went too far. Lexi wasn’t a permanent member of the Haitian village, so she wouldn’t be brought in on the relationship with the shadows unless completely necessary. Colton had agreed with Riley’s assessment to check out the park and the clinic.

They traveled the pathway in silence. Their molecules fused together as they navigated the streams within the shadows. There was peace in the darkness. A beauty that could only be experienced when in non-corporeal form. They coalesced beneath an evergreen tree close to the park, surveying their surroundings before they stepped from the shadows.

They had chosen to travel late in the day. So the park would be less inhabited and the clinic would be close to closing. Riley’s gaze ran over the playground with two children currently talking to their mother, who was seated at a nearby bench.

The play area was a mixture of pea gravel and wood chips beneath an assortment of playground equipment. The metal swing set moved in the breeze with the slides of various lengths next to it. The monkey bars and climbing wall close to the sandbox full of half-buried toys and digging tools. Discarded juice boxes and empty baggies littered the ground, waiting for the park attendant to clean up for the night.

A crow was busy pecking at a discarded bag of potato chips, and a group of teenagers sat at a picnic bench opposite her and Colton. Their laughter echoed in the wind before the children left their mother’s side to resume their play on the jungle gym.

“This looks peaceful,” Riley said.

Colton’s eyes moved past the play park to the soccer field in the distance. “Are you sure the abductions were from the park and not the field? Or even the apartment building next door?”

“Not at all. Two women were taken from the park, but they both had young children. Since this is the best playground in Graydon County, this location could simply be opportunity.”

Colton sighed. “Maybe.”

“We need more information on the victims, before we can make any assumptions about this area,” Riley said.

“Agreed. Let’s head to the clinic.”

Colton’s shadow enveloped hers as he took the quick stream to a building across from the clinic. With its location only a few blocks away from the park, the trip was made in a matter of seconds.

The clinic was located on the busiest street in Graydon County. The only one with multilane traffic and several stoplights. Pedestrians still walked down either side, most leaving work or rushing to meet friends. While the clinic was the last building on the block storefronts, the next had security shutters and dented trash cans in the front.

It was like the small medical center sat on the border of the industrial section and the downtown area. Like the rest of the block, the clinic was made of brick, with a fire escape on the side and a large sign in the front.

“What do you think?” Riley asked.

Colton’s eyes focused on the signs that listed the clinic services. “They offer free care for women and children. There is no way that this is a government-run facility. Who is subsidizing this clinic?”

Riley swore under her breath. “I didn’t ask Lexi that. I’m hesitant to call her, since Raine can’t alter her memories.”

“I agree. We should wait and see if we can get the information we need without involving Lexi.”

Riley felt the familiar hum in the air. Someone had used the pathway close to them. “Did you feel that?”

“Yes. It came from the alley beside the clinic.”

“Can you see who it is?”

Colton shook his head. “They will have to exit the alley to enter the clinic or the stores beside it. We will have to wait and see who it is.”

Riley didn’t recognize the man who exited the alley. “Do you know who that is?”

“His name is Erwin. He is one of the reapers that defected with Breck.”

Riley sucked in a breath. “Why would there be reaper henchman at a free clinic? Do you think he’s tracking someone?”

“I don’t want to infiltrate the building until we see what happens. The Bay Street window is large enough to see the waiting room. Let’s see if he goes in the back or talks to one of the people waiting to see a doctor.”

“Your eyesight is better than mine. I can see a couple of people inside, but I can’t really tell what anybody is doing.”

Colton smiled. “You are a fledgling still; your abilities will be honed over time.” He motioned to the window. “Erwin just sat down and grabbed a magazine.”
