Page 18 of Mortal Demon

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Riley inhaled the smell of damp earth as her body reformed in a cramped tunnel. Water dripped from the ceiling, creating small puddles of water on the dirt floor covered with loose gravel. It wasn’t the location she had seen with Dannika. “Where are we?”

“The portal makes the surrounding area unstable. Even if the demons didn’t collapse the pathway, it’s unsafe to travel. We are only a quarter mile from the site,” Colton said.

She held his hand as he led her through a series of tunnels before coming to one that was collapsed. “Did they do this on purpose?”

Colton released her hand to put his on the rock. “Yes, this wasn’t a natural cave-in. They will have left one physical tunnel.”

“How do you know that? They could just take the pathway.”

Colton shook his head. “Ferguson has been studying the demons. Younger demons seem to struggle with the pathways and the vorla don’t enter them at all.”

She sucked in a breath. “I didn’t see any vorla come through the portal this time.”

Colton nodded. “We know they rely on the vorla when their food source dries up. Since the vorla are similar to our rats, they eat anything. They will feed on the animal and plant life. The demons will leave those to them so they can feed on the vorla when they have exhausted their human food source.”

She wasn’t sure if it was the content of their conversation, or the matter-of-fact way Colton described the process of their world’s annihilation that set her on edge, but she shivered despite her ability to maintain her core temperature regardless of the surroundings. “I don’t know how you can be so calm.”

Colton sighed. “Training. I have had to do some questionable things over the years. I guess I’ve learned to bottle my emotions when necessary.”

“That makes sense. I was feeling a little disconnected from you, but if you are trying to focus on the task at hand and not let it affect you, I understand. I wish I could do the same.”

Colton pulled her against his body. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to shut you out.”

His warmth infused her, and the sense of loneliness dissipated. “Thank you. I’m sure it’s just this place. For some reason, it gives me the creeps.”

“Considering a hundred demons just ran through here, I’m not surprised.” He took her hand and led her to another tunnel. This one was dry, and in minutes they reached the cavern that had held the portal.

Riley noticed the smear of blood on the cave wall. It was easy to tell where a portal had closed as the rock surface became smooth, with the occasional crack. “This is the blood they used. It’s cougar, isn’t it?”

Colton nodded. “It’s Aaron’s blood, but there is something mixed with it.”

Riley shook her head. “This portal appeared stable, but they did close it quickly, so I can’t guarantee it wouldn’t have collapsed, given time.”

Colton ran his fingers over the smooth rock. “If they could have kept it open, I think they would have.” He glanced up at the low ceiling. “I’m not sure this location would work for the king’s transport.”

Riley turned to him. “Why?”

“We know we are screwed if the king makes it here. If they could have brought him over, they would have. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the demons bring over their army and alternate food source before bringing their king. I think that portal will have to be far larger and completely stable. It’s a theory, but that’s what I think.”

“So they have everything they need. Their army, the vorla and soon they will have the means to make breeders. It’s only a matter of time before they bring over the king.”

They heard the crunch of boots on the loose gravel and turned when Steele entered the cavern. “Let’s hope the king is waiting for the breeders to be viable. Considering their lack of success so far, it will give us some time,” Steele said.

Riley knelt down to investigate a splatter of blood. “Let’s hope so.”

Steele sniffed the air. “That is a lot of blood. Not just cougar.”

Colton nodded. “The palm print is Aaron’s blood. There is something else...”

Steele growled. “That something else is Riley’s blood.”

Colton turned toward Riley. “I smelled her blood, but I assumed it was her.”

Steele marched to the corner of the cavern. He moved a rock that covered a pool of discarded blood. “They dumped out the chalice blood here.”

Riley and Colton joined Steele. She put her hand to her chest. “That is a lot of blood. I didn’t realize Hakim took so much.”
