Page 2 of Mortal Demon

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She laughed and got dressed. They went to the living room and sat on the couch before the slight humming noise alerted them that Raine and Dannika were about to exit the pathway.

They coalesced in the front room, but Riley’s smile faded when she noticed the dark circles under Dannika’s eyes. Her skin was pale and though her smile was as bright and welcoming as always, her eyes and hair lacked the luster and shine that normally accompanied the queen.

“Dannika, are you alright?” she asked.

Dannika waved her hand in the air. “I’m a little run down. Ferguson and Raine are trying to shoulder some of the burdens of being queen, but it’s difficult with the reapers. I’m worried if I don’t keep a more active role, they will defect with Breck and the demons. The adjustment in their eating habits has been more difficult for some than others.”

Colton huffed. “It’s more difficult for the reapers that chose to turn versus those who were forced into it. Ferguson has acclimatized quite well, and appears to be just as powerful as he was when he consumed human blood.”

Dannika nodded. “He admits that there are some challenges even for him, but it is more difficult for those who choose to turn.”

Steele coalesced on the porch before entering Colton’s home. He nodded to Dannika and Raine before kneeling on the floor by Riley. “I brought you something.”

Riley glanced between the others. Colton and Dannika looked perplexed. So whatever the cougar clan leader was up to, they weren’t in on it. “A present? I thought it was customary to wait until the ceremony.”

Steele smiled. “It’s a present of sorts, but not because you are bonding with my son.” He pulled out a crimson silk sash. It was long and beautifully embroidered with white flowers. “This was made by my human wife. I never got a chance to pass it down to a daughter-in-law. I never thought I would, but I’m hoping you would like to wear it for your ceremony.”

Riley took the sash from his hand. “It’s beautiful. I’m honored, thank you.”

Steele stood. “Are there any new developments with the demons?”

Dannika held up one finger. “Fergie will be here with a report in five seconds.”

They heard the hum before Ferguson coalesced into the room. His eyes fell on Dannika, and his irritation was more than evident. “You should be resting.”

Dannika rolled her eyes. “Okay, Mom.”

Colton and Riley pursed their lips. Everyone feared Ferguson. His power rolled off him like a tidal wave. He was the oldest living shadow, and she was sure not even Dannika was aware of his true power. That being said, he was unwavering in his loyalty to the queen. And her eyes held a fondness for the ancient reaper that nobody fully understood.

“Fergie, did someone pee in your cornflakes?” Riley had taken to teasing the reaper. While he was loyal to Dannika, he also had a fondness for her. Riley always felt safe in his presence when he made everyone else uneasy.

Ferguson raised one eyebrow. “Cornflakes? I have not eaten breakfast in seven hundred years.”

Riley plastered an innocent look on her face. “Maybe if you started, you wouldn’t be so grumpy.”

Dannika laughed, then covered her mouth when Ferguson shot her a dirty look. “Riley is right. You are pissed, and it’s not because I’m a little tired. What happened?”

Ferguson sighed. “The demons continue to protect Breck.”

Dannika raised an eyebrow. “You’re pissed because you weren’t able to kill the traitor today?”

“I thought the demons would have disposed of him by now. I don’t understand why they are protecting the reapers,” he said.

Dannika rubbed her temple. “I’m sure we will find out soon enough, and I doubt we will like it.”

Darwin coalesced into the room. “Steele, you must come to the main cabin. A cougar was murdered not fifty feet from Daniel’s home.”

Riley stood as Ferguson growled. “Was it the traitor?”

Darwin shook his head. “We have no idea if it was Breck or one of the other reapers, but Aaron was beheaded.”

They all followed Darwin into the pathway. Riley and Colton went last, so they exited near Dannika and Raine. Steele was barking orders at several clan members to search the surrounding woods.

Riley glanced at Darwin before he shifted to his cougar form and bounded into the forest. “Why are they searching in cougar form? Reapers will have taken the pathway?”

Dannika turned to her. “There is only one pathway in and out of this area. There are several clan members with Daniel at all times. This pathway wasn’t used this morning.”

Riley glanced into the woods. “The killer crept in here on foot? Completely undetected?”
