Page 29 of Mortal Demon

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Riley traveled the pathway like a bullet cutting through the air. Colton had chosen a particularly fast stream, and they ricocheted through the streams at lightning speed. The fissures of light within the dark tunnels blurred as if warping an entire galaxy.

The wrenching feeling as her bones reformed, solidifying into her human shape was a welcome reprieve from the emotional pain of being accused of being a traitor. Steele hadn’t imprisoned her, but it was obvious he wanted to. She understood his reservations. She was an anomaly. For the first time since his transition, she was glad her father was so weak. He couldn’t travel the pathways in his condition and rarely fed. He would never be accused because he lacked both the ability and the strength to track a shadow let alone kill one.

Daniel rarely left the cabin, and he was never alone. It had become an unspoken oath to keep a clan member with him at all times. Not that it was a problem. The clan seemed to enjoy being with him. He gave them hope and acceptance that they didn’t realize they needed until he was with them. That had always been her father’s gift. Unconditional love for those around him. She understood why her mother fell in love with him.

She blinked as her eyelids formed and they were standing in the alley outside the clinic building. The shadows cast from the building beside the clinic created the perfect cover and they remained in the mouth of the pathway where they were hidden from the world. The same darkness that used to frighten her as a child now brought safety and reassurance.

They turned when they heard Breck’s voice. He was standing at the end of the alley beside the street. They couldn’t see who he was talking to, but he pointed toward them.

“It’s down here, miss. You can use the side entrance and you won’t have to deal with the man in the lobby. Janice will take you to a private room.”

Riley leaned toward Colton. “That’s the same pitch they used on the last woman.”

Colton nodded. “Reapers are not very imaginative. If something works, they won’t deviate.”

Riley kept her eyes on Breck, waiting to see who he was talking to. “Ferguson is quite imaginative.”

“Ferguson and the reapers like him are different from those who chose to turn. I don’t know why they have retained their humanity when they have lost their animal.”

“I’m guessing it’s because they didn’t have a choice and took a more humane path under the circumstances.”

Colton moved to the crest of the shadow. “If the woman Breck is talking to accepts his invitation, we will have to intervene.”

“Send a message to Ferguson. If there are more of them, we need help and he is the fastest at tracking the pathway.”

Colton glanced at her. He hesitated before he created the black script in the air.

She wanted to reassure him she had every faith in him, but Breck nodded and started toward them. The woman peeked down the alley, waiting for Breck to be halfway down before she followed.

Riley grabbed Colton’s arm. “That’s Sarita. Her picture was in her file.”

They watched as Sarita approached. They had chosen a shadow at the end of the alley so they didn’t alert anyone of their presence. Breck pointed to the door behind the clinic but stood back, close to the pathway entrance. Riley could reach out and touch him if she chose. She wondered why Colton didn’t remove the traitor right there but decided he probably needed Sarita safe first.

When Sarita neared the door, Breck moved. He was faster than Riley expected. One moment he was nodding to Sarita with a welcoming smile, and the next he evaporated in a puff of smoke and reformed behind her, with his arm around her waist and his hand over her mouth.

Colton pulled him off the startled woman. Breck released her to turn on his assailant. Sarita screamed and bolted toward the street as Breck and Colton squared off.

“You had no right to interfere,” Breck said.

Colton’s eyes flared as smoke rolled off his shoulders in waves. “This little operation of yours is about to come to an end. When the demons realize what a spineless puke you are, they will discard you like the garbage you are.”

Breck laughed then looked at Riley. “Your mate will be a demon breeder by the end of the week.”

“Never going to happen, asshole.”

Breck’s shadow warrior merged. He growled as his claws extended and lunged at Colton.

Colton’s alpha emerged as he turned to the side, but Breck’s claws caught him in the shoulder as he spun away. “You have gotten faster since you were a member of the reaper clan.”

Breck smiled slyly. “You have no idea.” He lunged again but Colton whirled away from the attack. The claw marks on his shoulder had already healed, and he circled the wary reaper as Ferguson emerged from the shadows.

His alpha was large and intimidating as he entered the alley. “Breck, I have been looking for you. How about we have that chat you keep avoiding.”

Breck hissed as the cocky grin was replaced by fear. “I can’t beat you in a fight, but I will spit on your body when Deruthel removes your head.”

“Why wait? If you are prepared to discuss your traitorous behavior, then it’s my duty to relieve you of your life,” Ferguson said.
