Page 31 of Mortal Demon

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Riley turned in her chair when they heard voices in the hallway. “Are they coming in here?”

Colton’s gaze focused on the people outside the door. “No. The nurse is escorting the patient to the exam room beside us.”

She turned back to the computer screen. “This is an ongoing experiment. The file number is sixty-seven.”

“Are you saying they have done sixty-seven experiments?” Colton asked.

Her fingers flew over the keys. “Yes, but this is the only one that is active.”

Colton rubbed his eyes. “What happened to the other sixty-six?”

“I think I can search by file number. Let’s try the first experiment.” She typed in the number one.

Colton pointed to the date. “That experiment was done months before the demons breached our world.”

“It looks like Hakim started without them.”

“Dammit. What was he doing prior to Dannika’s transition?”

“He was trying to create a successful breeder. He injected women with shadow shifter blood. With my human blood.” She typed in the number two. “The second experiment used Maddock’s blood and his blood.”

Colton put his hands on his hips. “Hakim was trying to create a female shadow before Dannika transitioned. Can you skip ahead to an experiment done after the demons entered our world?”

Riley entered the number thirty-two. “This experiment was done three weeks after the demons arrived. They introduced demon blood. Again, they are using different combinations of blood, but haven’t started using the new serum at this point.”

“Are there any common denominators in all the experiments?”

Riley typed in several numbers, flipping through experiment after experiment. She swallowed hard before she answered. “The only component that is the same in every experiment is my blood. Though the last two experiments list me as having shadow blood, but how could they have gotten it?”

Colton rubbed his chin. “We gave a sample of your blood to Dannika and to Karam. We need to check and see if those samples went missing.” He wrote black script in the air and waited only a few seconds before the response returned. “Raine says the wolf clan is still in possession of your blood sample. I will check with Karam when we return.”

Riley continued to type before a file opened and hundreds of names scrolled on the screen. “I found the list. There are hundreds of names they suspect of having priestess blood.”

“Can you print that list off?”

Riley hit print and prayed the sound didn’t alert the doctor in the next room. “I’ve got it.” She glanced at the list. “Hold on.”

Colton leaned in. “What did you find?”

“The original experiments were not done at this clinic.”

“What? Was Hakim running them from his shop?” Colton asked.

Riley shook her head. “There is another clinic location. It’s on the outskirts of town. It was originally owned by Hakim, but is now owned by a subsidiary company.”

“Pull up information on the clinic.”

Riley’s fingers flew over the keys. “It’s listed as the clinic here, but the city has it designated as a research facility.”

“Who owns it?”

“It appears to be a shell company. If I had to guess, I’d say that Hakim planned his death. He must have had someone named in his will for his properties.”

“Can you access his will?”

“Only if it’s been filed with... We should have known.”
