Page 39 of Mortal Demon

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Colton rubbed his chin. “That we know of. If our traitor has another hex bag, he could have incapacitated Dannika and even Raine and taken her blood without her knowledge.”

Ferguson focused on the demons. “That is unlikely. He has direct access to every clan member. You said they’re testing variations of shadow blood. What better way than to use the healer? He may not even know that he is being controlled.”

Colton sighed. “You’re right. Test him to be safe. Steele will insist on it, anyway.”

The king growled returning their attention to the conversation. “The queen should have the strongest bloodline. You must have made a mistake.”

Deruthel shook his head. “We tested five women. All failed to transition, and they died badly. Every serum we created with Dannika’s blood, initiated a cellular destabilization. The women dissolved, for lack of a better word. We did the experiments offsite so our troops would not be disheartened by the results.”

The king glanced around. “And yet you discuss it openly now.”

“Because we are close to producing stable breeders. Even if Riley is the only one, we will keep her until we have a stable breeder pool.”

“Have you investigated this anomaly?”

The demon general nodded. “Her blood does not contain the properties needed to induce pregnancy. The serum is designated to create viable breeders; the women died immediately.”

Riley shivered involuntarily. “Something is wrong with Dannika. We need to tell her.”

Ferguson shook his head. “There’s nothing to be concerned about. Her blood is not viable as a breeder for the demons, but that condition is temporary. If they discover the source of that anomaly, they will not hesitate to procure her.”

Riley touched his arm. “You know what’s wrong with her?”

“There is nothing wrong with Dannika. She simply is not a viable breeder for the demons... at least not yet.”


Ferguson’s gaze flicked to hers. “I must return to Dannika and see if anyone else besides Karam had access to her blood. I assume she would tell me, but she is strong-willed to say the least.”

Colton turned to him. “Are you heading back to the wolf caves?”

Ferguson nodded. “Dannika’s in more danger than I realized. I must ensure she takes some precautionary measures. These discussions usually take some time.”

“I bet. Riley and I will watch them for a little longer, then report back to you. Let Dannika know everything we’ve learned.”

Ferguson nodded then crouched down as he exited the cavern and navigated the tunnel toward the exit.

Riley turned to Colton as soon as Ferguson was out of sight. “Dannika hasn’t looked very good the last few times I’ve seen her. I assumed it was the stress of being queen and the impending war with the demons.”

Colton peeked over the ledge. “I noticed as well. She looks pale. I assumed she wasn’t feeding enough, but Raine assured me that isn’t the case.”

“Could it be some kind of disease?” Riley asked.

“We are immune to all human diseases.”

She frowned. “Are there any shadow ones?”

“Only lack of feeding creates fatigue and the symptoms that Dannika appears to have. I am unaware of any such shadow viruses.”

“There must be something and whatever it is, Ferguson is aware of it.” She rubbed her chest, trying not to be affected by Dannika’s lack of trust in her. Dannika had gone her entire life on her own and had been abandoned by the people that should’ve taken her in. Riley’s parents had left her to her fate. She had to earn Dannika’s trust. She couldn’t expect it.

“We will figure it out. Give it time,” Colton said.

She leaned over the rock wall, attempting to get an accurate count of the demons in the cavern. More had arrived since the king began to speak. “Their numbers have doubled since Ashkara started speaking.”

“I noticed.”

The king stopped mid-sentence. Halak’s body turned, but the eyes were not his as they roamed over the cavern.

Riley and Colton ducked down quickly, avoiding the king’s gaze. “Did he see us?” she whispered.

The king’s voice echoed in the cavern. “Check your defenses now. You have an intruder.”

Deruthel hissed. “Up there. Get them.”

Demons growled as Colton and Riley sprinted into the tunnel. They weaved through the hanging roots as a deep growl emanated before them.

Colton barked a command. “Hold on.” His shadow enveloped hers, but as they entered the pathway, she knew they were not alone. Emotions were amplified in the pathway and there was no mistaking that of their pursuer. Hatred.
