Page 4 of Mortal Demon

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Riley moved closer to Colton as the crowd around Aaron’s body continued to grow. Streams of black smoke rolled off several of the clan members’ shoulders, alerting her to their internal struggle. The breeze filtered through the surrounding trees, causing the branches to creak and rub against one another. The eerie sound added to the dreary scene playing out below them. A brown leaf blew along the ground, only to rest on the young man’s dead hand.

With almost thirty clan members circling the kill site, their low mumbling as they spoke to one another was inaudible. While Riley couldn’t hear the words, she didn’t need to. Anger and retribution had a distinct odor, and the clan was out for blood. She touched Colton’s arm. “You seem tense.”

His eyes rolled over the crowd. “Despite our positive interactions with the Haitian village. That was on their property. Tensions are running high, and I want to make sure there’re no repercussions for Anaisa’s visit.”

Riley was about to respond, but Anaisa’s old truck parked in the distance. Ferguson exited the passenger side of the vehicle and waited for the Haitian priestess to join him before approaching the collective of clan members.

Anaisa was just as beautiful in her black jeans and fitted tan leather jacket as in her white Haitian dress. Her boots were the same color as her jacket, but were more of a hiking style. It was obvious she was no stranger to being in the forest, as she seemed to float over the uneven ground. Her grace was accented by her mocha skin and long black hair. The colored braids bounced with the silky strands as she walked.

Ferguson’s eyes moved over the crowd, daring anyone to challenge her presence. The clan was aware Steele had requested her counsel, but even if they weren’t, no one would challenge Ferguson. He was an alpha and sent a shiver of fear through the crowd. He was open about his loyalty, but not his background. Only her father seemed to know what that was, but he trusted the ancient reaper, and that was enough for Riley.

The crowd split in the middle, allowing Ferguson and Anaisa to pass. Her face softened to one of pain when she saw Aaron’s body. She saw what everyone else did. A young man who was robbed of his life by unforeseen circumstances. Worse, in a place where he felt safe. The clan sanctuary had been violently violated.

She knelt down beside his body, placing her fingers on his chest. Her eyes closed, and all discussion stopped. It was like the entire forest held its breath, waiting for her to speak. She inhaled deeply before she stood up.

“This was a demon kill, but the energy is strange. It’s not something I recognize or have come in contact with. It reminds me of demonic possession.”

The crowd behind Anaisa all spoke at once. With them all talking over one another, only certain words were clear. “Demon. Reaper. Retribution. War.”

Steele held up his hand. “Silence. We must investigate Aaron’s death. I understand your anger. He was young and not a warrior. This atrocity will not go unanswered, but I need you to disperse so we can make preparations.”

The crowd slowly dissipated as Riley approached Anaisa.

“Anaisa, you said this reminded you of demonic possession. Has that actually happened?” Riley asked.

Anaisa nodded. “Yes, but you will have to find those answers from your human church. We have ways of protecting ourselves from such an intrusion. This malady does not plague us.”

Riley turned to Colton. “We need to talk to dad. He was investigating the demons because of my mom’s death. If there are records of demon possession within the church, then he will know about them.”

Anaisa turned to Ferguson. “I would like to hear what Riley’s father has to say about demonic possession. May I go with them?”

Riley’s eyes narrowed on the priestess. “Of course, you can come with us. Why would you ask for permission?”

Anaisa smiled at Riley sadly. “No Bokor or Priestess has been on shadow-owned land for hundreds of years.”

Ferguson nodded. “While that is true, you are welcome here. You and your community have done nothing but help the shadow clans.”

Anaisa nodded. “I have my truck. Can we drive to the clan house, Ferguson? I will leave after speaking with Daniel.”

Ferguson nodded and led Anaisa toward her vehicle.

Colton took Riley’s hand. “We are close to the clan house. We will cut through Oliver’s land and meet them there.”

They had only walked twenty feet when a clearing opened up and a home similar to Colton’s sat in the trees above them. The branches swayed around it, camouflaging its existence. If it weren’t for her cougar eyesight, she would never have noticed the tree house.

She pointed to the tree. “I’m guessing that’s Oliver’s house?”

Colton smiled. “He’s a good man. He and I were fledglings together, but he had the urge to mate twenty years ago and has spent most of his time in the sanctuary with his son. Lucan is nineteen now, and has started to train as a warrior.”

The shadow coalesced in front of them, making Riley’s heart race until she saw the smile on Colton’s face.

The man had a similar build to Colton, but with black hair and light blue eyes.

Colton shook his hand. “Oliver, it’s good to see you. Are you training today?”

Oliver smiled sadly. “I was, but the fledglings were sent back to the sanctuary while we investigate Aaron’s death. Lucan was not happy about having his privileges revoked, but he is too young to take up this fight.”
