Page 44 of Mortal Demon

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“Only your blood has allowed for a successful breeder. Albeit your blood creates a stable portal, and I need to ensure that my father does not use that to his advantage.”

She calmed her racing heart. “Why can’t he pass? Is his body the size of an elephant or something? You allowed hundreds of demons to flow in. Not sure I understand the differences?”

Deruthel flicked his gaze toward the tunnels. “His power is beyond human comprehension. Reference to a large beast is grossly inadequate. His body is the size of a small city. His consciousness is that of an unending ocean. It’s easier to pass our entire species through the portal than Ashkara himself.”

“That’s unfathomable,” she whispered.

Deruthel nodded. “His life force is unbreakable and unwavering in his appetite. My only chance of survival is closing the portal for this realm. Only then will I be free.”

“I want this clear. I hate you and I will do everything to defeat you once we go to war, but what you are describing is a supernova, and that’s something we can’t fight. What can I do to help you close the portal?”

Deruthel stared at her for a long time. “A supernova would destroy the entire planet at once. In this case, that would be a mercy. Ashkara is more like an atomic bomb. He will blast away at this realm one continent at a time. Trust me, the latter is far more painful.”

Riley’s mind raced. “That’s why he sends you first. You thought it was for your military strategy. To bring over all your resources before he follows, but it’s a safety net. If you are here, he always has your body to fall back on.”

“The same thought has occurred to me. You are quite intelligent, which will benefit our young.”

Her cheeks puffed out as she stayed her rolling stomach. “You can’t win the war with humanity unless you’re actually leading the army. If you don’t close the portal, you will be gone.”

Deruthel placed his twisted arms behind his back. He looked like a macabre version of Napoleon. “That is true. I’ve often wondered what would happen if my father died. Would I gain his power? Would it be lost? Now I seek only to survive.”

“As far as I’m concerned, you’re the lesser of two evils. I’ll take you over Ashkara.”

Deruthel grunted. “You believe you have a chance against me. You don’t, but your species would survive for much longer. This world could sustain us for thousands of years if I found the conditions appealing enough.” His eyes roamed over her lustfully.

“I’m trying not to puke, so tell me about Ashkara. How long does it take him to consume a world once he passes through the portal?” she asked.

Deruthel took a deep breath. His face held a kind of regret. “The king consumes the humanoid species in under fifty years, forcing us to feed on the Vorla. They, in turn, consume the animal species.”

“That wasn’t my question. How long before the king takes control of this world after he arrives?”

Deruthel’s eyes flickered. “If Ashkara’s current incarnation makes it to this realm, he can enslave the minds of all those within it. So, your answer is a matter of seconds.”
