Page 52 of Mortal Demon

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“Agreed,” Deruthel said. “How do you propose closing the portal without Colton’s death?”

“You used three blood types. I can get all three again.”

“A death is required to close this portal permanently,” Deruthel said.

Riley’s mind raced over the information she had on the portal. “It’s been opened for years. By Hakim. By Dannika. By my human and shadow blood. Combinations of mine, Dannika’s and Colton’s.”

“That is correct,” Deruthel said.

“Any other bloodlines?”

Deruthel shook his head. “You and Dannika are descendants of the first priestess. The Bokor is a descendant of the one who opened the first portal.”

Riley’s eyes widened. “I didn’t realize that Hakim was a descendent of the first Bokor.”

“The Haitian people have predictable ethics. We knew they would deny his claim to save his daughter. Manipulating sociological infrastructure is my specialty.”

She blinked, trying to grasp his meaning.

Colton growled. “You poisoned Lorette. Did she even have cancer?”

Deruthel grinned. “She did, but Ashkara used his powers centuries before to ensure that the Bokor’s line was riddled with disease. I believe he has discovered our interference in his bloodline, now that he has passed on. He refuses the king’s commands, and it takes some power to deny Ashkara.”

Riley put her hand to her head. “You prepared for everything. Bloodlines. Means to find a traitor. You create every scenario you need.”

Deruthel nodded. “Of course. This has been our way for eons, but we must adapt. Our traversing of worlds must come to an end. Whether we stop here or devastate your realm and try another is up to you.”

Riley huffed. “With you ruling in a dictatorship, I don’t think it really matters.”

Deruthel knelt down. His insect-like legs crouching at an unnatural angle. She had no idea how those spindly legs supported his thick torso. “Because as long as the human species survives, there is always that glimmer of hope. I will never completely squash it because the possibility of insurrection is too appetizing. You will never win but you will continue to try, and that will be... entertaining.”

What he described was a nightmare, but in a way, he was right. As long as people survived, there was always a chance that they could one day rise up. Still, Deruthel had been honest with her. He had said the shadows were an unforeseen anomaly, and although they had dealt with unforeseen events in the past, she had to believe the shadows were stronger than the demons gave them credit for. “You’ve explained that you have similar abilities to the king, but his are far more evolved. Does Ashkara have any weaknesses? Anything we can exploit.”

Deruthel stood. “Normally I would say no. But Colton’s information has been most enlightening. I believe he has consumed the resources in our former world. He weakens.”

“Can it kill him? How long before he dies of starvation?” Riley asked.

“Ashkara is the most powerful demon to exist. He’s evolved beyond that of any before him. I am not sure starvation is possible. If it is, it will take centuries. He can put his mind and body into stasis.”

“Are there other inter-dimensional travelers?” she asked.

“We have not come across any, but it is unrealistic to think we are the only ones. Why do you ask?”

“It’s kind of a scary prospect to just leave him sleeping in your realm. I agree that it’s only a matter of time before someone or something comes across him.”

“It’s likely, but it won’t be something this world has to deal with. If we close the portal permanently, this is the only world he won’t be able to traverse.”

“You didn’t close the portal on previous worlds?”

“We closed them, but not a permanent severing. The last permanent closure was when Ashkara trapped his father. Or so I am told,” Deruthel said.

Her eyes narrowed on the demon. “If you allow yourself to evolve as your father has; eventually, you will suffer the same fate.”

Deruthel put his hands behind his back. “I am aware of the restrictions I must place on myself. But being left alone to starve is an excellent motivator. It is not an existence I wish to explore. I will not allow such an evolution to occur.”

Riley stared at him and though he spoke the truth, she had to wonder if Ashkara had similar reasoning when he was no stronger than Deruthel. Delusions of grandeur were a part of a demon’s DNA. They were leopards that couldn’t change their spots. Despite the general’s claims, he couldn’t alter his own ambitions or his evolution. It would be like telling a human they couldn’t age. Learn. Grow. They had to defeat the demons, or they were dead. There would be no later insurrection. It was now or death. “I believe you when you say you will attempt to put those restrictions in place.” She didn’t add she thought he wouldn’t be able to stick to his own plan this time.

Colton moved to his hands and knees, pushing himself from the dirt floor. His wounds had closed and some of his skin had returned to its natural color. He was regaining his strength, but he had a long way to go. “Are you feeling better?”
