Page 6 of Mortal Demon

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Riley smiled at her thoughtfulness. “Thank you. He doesn’t feed unless... he doesn’t feed enough.”

Anaisa finished arranging the blanket over his legs. “It’s an affliction you and Dannika also share. I have something that will help. An herb that will enhance the effects of feeding. It won’t replace it, though. He must feed, but he will keep his strength longer.”

Riley’s eyes widened. “That’s amazing. Would it work for Dannika and me?”

“Dannika cannot take the herb at this time, but I will make some up for you as well,” Anaisa said as she sat on the couch.

Riley wanted to ask the priestess about Dannika’s health, but Daniel took a deep breath before opening his eyes. “Riley.”

She went to him, kneeling beside his chair. “Hey, Dad. Are you up to answering a couple of questions for us?”

He ran a weathered hand over her cheek. “Anything for you, sweetheart.”

Her heart squeezed at the love in his eyes. He lost the love of his life and every action since that moment had been for Riley. Her protection. “We need to know about demonic possession. Is it real?”

Daniel nodded. “There are multiple reports in the church library. I have never exorcised a demon myself, but there are hundreds of documented cases. They are similar in nature and span over the centuries. There’s no way it’s a coincidence.”

Riley glanced at the priestess. “This is Anaisa. She is the priestess of the Haitian village.”

Daniel nodded to her. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Your power is remarkable, as is the faith your people have in you.”

Anaisa’s eyes narrowed on Daniel. “Your words are kind, priest. You are not what I expected.”

Daniel laughed. “I’m just an old man who loves his daughter.”

“Age is but a number. Some live longer than others, but we both know it’s because they have certain tasks to accomplish on this earth before they may move to the next.”

Daniel nodded. “Yes, priestess. I thought my work was done, but it seems I was mistaken.”

Riley found their conversation strange, but decided it was something only a spiritual leader could understand. “Dad, do you think the possessions had anything to do with these demons? Have they been possessing people to spy on us, or for some other nefarious reason?”

Daniel ran his fingers over the Bible in his lap. “It’s entirely possible. There are many aspects to the supernatural world and they are all subject to interpretation.”

Riley stood. “If that’s true, they’ve been watching us for years and years. How do we fight back? They know everything about us. We know next to nothing about them.”

Anaisa stood. “Let me look into this. I will gather those herbs and call Ferguson to retrieve them.” She turned to Daniel. “It was my honor to meet you, priest.”

Daniel put his hand to his heart. “The honor was mine.”

Ferguson led Anaisa outside. They heard the truck engine roar before gravel crunched beneath her tires and she drove off.

Riley was about to ask another question, but Daniel had fallen asleep. “He can barely keep his eyes open. I hope Anaisa’s herbs help him.”

Colton grabbed her hand. “Me too.” He led her outside.

“The demons have been spying on us since the first priestess. We have to find a way to catch up,” she said.

Colton’s voice had a tinny quality. As if his thoughts were miles away. “I wish no disrespect to your father, but I do not believe demons are responsible for biblical possession.”


“Because they’ve shown no signs of possessing humans since they have been here. If they had acquired that skill, why not use it now?”

Riley didn’t have an answer, but she wasn’t ready to disregard her father’s words. She didn’t get a chance to question him further because Ferguson coalesced beside her.
